Q178234: INFO: Summary List: Bugs Fixed by Visual C++ Version 4.1

Article: Q178234
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): winnt:4.1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbList kbVC410fixkbfixlist
Last Modified: 05-MAY-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual C++, version 4.1 


This article lists the titles and Q numbers of those Microsoft Visual C++
Knowledge Base articles that describe bugs that were fixed starting with Visual
C++ version 4.1.


Fixlist for Visual C++ 4.1

  Q152792 FIX: Multiple ActiveX Control Containers Under Win32s Problems

  Q149181 FIX: Removing Subproject Causes Page Fault

  Q149139 FIX: Visual C++ Breaks ODBC CLongBinary w/ GlobalReAll Misuse

  Q148230 FIX: TypeLibs with Large Argument Lists May Crash ClassWizard

  Q147836 FIX: Debugger Hangs with Huge Executable with Embedded symbols

  Q147684 FIX: Sending WM_xSCROLL Message Causes Invalid ASSERT

  Q147384 FIX: Icons, Bitmaps, & Menus Not Displayed in an AFXDLL Dialog

  Q147206 FIX: Border of Modeless CPropertySheet Is Not 3D in Windows NT

  Q145996 FIX: _setmaxstdio Causes Access Violation

  Q145937 FIX: DUMPBIN, LIB, and EDITBIN Fail on File Names with Spaces

  Q145865 FIX: Cannot Receive WM_HELP for a Subclassed Control

  Q145696 FIX: CDC::CreatePointFont() May Create Wrong Size Font

  Q143429 FIX: Developer Studio Causes an Alignment Fault

  Q143330 FIX: Messagebox Shows in DDX_FieldCBString & DDX_FieldLBString

  Q143108 FIX: Assertion Failed Line 388 of Occmgr.cpp

  Q143086 FIX: CFile::GetFileName() Always Returns CString w/Zero Length

  Q143084 FIX: Problems with Using the MFC DAO Classes in a .DLL or .OCX

  Q143050 FIX: Cannot Evaluate Structures in Classes

  Q142888 FIX: Developer Studio Fails to Recognize Makefile and Quits

  Q142764 FIX: Edit Fields Blank When Large Fonts Selected

  Q142421 FIX: D2004 Caused by /Tp or /Tc Option in Visual C++ 4.0

  Q142385 FIX: Using CString::operator+= May Cause an Access Violation

  Q142274 FIX: Assertion Failure When Handling xN_SETFOCUS in CFormView

  Q142203 DOC: GetFileTitle() & GetFileName() Docs Are Switched

  Q141670 FIX: Profiling May Fail If Install Dir Contains Long File Name

  Q141533 FIX: CSyncObject::Lock Always Returns TRUE for Finite Waits

  Q141532 FIX: OnInitMenuPopup Deletes Temporary Objects

  Q141485 FIX: LNK1152 & LNK1141 When Linking OLE Control to Mapi32.lib

  Q141457 FIX: C1001 When Calling Base Class Conversion Operator

  Q141447 FIX: dbDao's CdbException Uses Private Constructor

  Q141443 FIX: C1001: Compiler File P2symtab.c, Line 878

  Q141417 FIX: Problem Occurs During File Open on Win32s

  Q141346 FIX: ClassWizard Misspells CPropertyPage in OnFinalRelease()

  Q141303 FIX: Dynasets w/ CLongBinary Fields Throws Incorrect Exception

  Q141273 FIX: Firing a KeyPress Event from an OLE Control Causes Beep

  Q140677 FIX: Go Back Button in InfoView Viewer Window Is Disabled

  Q140669 FIX: CSingleLock: Bogus Assert in CSingleLock::CSingleLock

  Q140590 FIX: Error in COleDispatchException Constructor

  Q140440 FIX: Global Overloaded Delete Operator Causes LNK2005

  Q140088 FIX: Sample Application Dialog Box Is Disabled in InfoViewer

  Q139997 FIX: "Item not found in this collection" with MFC DAO Join

  Q139995 FIX: Duplicate Column Names Improperly Qualified by Wizards

  Q139759 FIX: CDatabase::ExecuteSQL() Fails with UNICODE Build

  Q139490 FIX: Can't Select First Table When Creating DAO Table Recordse

  Q139456 FIX: LNK1201 Error Writing to .PDB File After Line Profile

  Q138972 FIX: LNK4076: Invalid Incremental Status File

  Q138830 FIX: Dismissing Splash Screen from Component Causes Assertion

  Q138767 FIX: CreateRelation Method Fails with Non-UNICODE Build

  Q122259 FIX: ClassWizard Reports Invalid Filename When Importing Class

  Q115707 FIX: C2857 Error Incorrectly Generated Using /Yc Option

  Q103712 FIX: Help, Online Books Inaccessible After Custom Install

Additional query words: noupdate

Keywords          : kbList kbVC410fix kbfixlist
Technology        : kbVCsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVC410
Version           : winnt:4.1
Issue type        : kbinfo
Solution Type     : kbfix
