Q178969: MS Graph 97: Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Graph 97

Article: Q178969
Product(s): Word 97 for Windows
Version(s): 97
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbui
Last Modified: 28-DEC-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Word 97 for Windows 
- Microsoft Graph 97 for Windows 


This article contains a list of keyboard shortcuts available in Microsoft Graph
97. This list is a compilation of the individual keyboard shortcut lists
available in Graph Help.

NOTE: Shortcut keys mentioned in the Help topics, menus, and dialog boxes refer
to the U.S. keyboard layout. Keys on other layouts may not correspond exactly to
the keys on a U.S. keyboard. If you are using a different language keyboard
layout from the version of Microsoft Word you are using, you may have to make
adjustments when using shortcut keys.


Function Key Shortcuts

    F1          Displays online Help or the Office Assistant

  SHIFT+F1    Context Sensitive Help or What's This?

  F2          Edits the active cell

  F3          No shortcut key assignments

  CTRL+F4     Closes the window (This shortcut key only works when
              Graph is in a program window.)

  ALT+F4      Exits the program

  F5          Restores the window size

  F6          No shortcut key assignments

  CTRL+F7     Moves the window

  F8          Extends the selection

  CTRL+F8     Resizes the window

  CTRL+F9     Minimizes the main program window

NOTE: The CTRL+F9 key combination has been confirmed to be a documentation error
and does not minimize the main program window.

  CTRL+F10    Maximizes or restores the main program window

NOTE: The CTRL+F10 key combination has been confirmed to be a documentation error
and does not maximize or restore the main program window.

  F10         Activate the menu bar
  SHIFT+F10   Display a shortcut menu window (This shortcut key only works
              in the chart window.)
  F11         No shortcut key assignments
  F12         No shortcut key assignments

Keys for Moving Around on a Datasheet

  To move to a cell                                     Arrow keys

  To move to the beginning of a row                     HOME

  To move to the first data cell                        CTRL+HOME
  (row 2, column 2)

  To move to the end of a row                           END
  (last occupied column)

  To move to the lowest-right cell that                 CTRL+END
  contains data

  To move down one window                               PAGE DOWN

  To move up one window                                 PAGE UP

  To move right one window                              ALT+PAGE DOWN

NOTE: Microsoft has confirmed the ALT+PAGE DOWN shortcut key to be a problem in
Microsoft Graph 97.

  To move left one window                               ALT+PAGE UP

NOTE: Microsoft has confirmed the ALT+PAGE UP shortcut key to be a problem in
Microsoft Graph 97.

For more information about the ALT+PAGE DOWN and ALT+PAGE UP shortcut key
combinations, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q178949 MS Graph: Cannot Scroll One Window Left or Right in Datasheet

  To move up or down to the edge of the                 CTRL+UP ARROW or
  current data region                                   CTRL+DOWN ARROW

  To move left or right to the edge of the              CTRL+LEFT ARROW or
  current data region                                   CTRL+RIGHT ARROW

Enter and Edit Data by Using Shortcut Keys

  To complete a cell entry                              ENTER

  To cancel a cell entry                                ESC

  To delete the character to the left of the            BACKSPACE
  insertion point, or delete the selection

  To delete the character to the right of the           DELETE
  insertion point, or delete the selection

  To delete text to the end of the line                 CTRL+DELETE
                                                        (Press F2 to edit
                                                        the cell first)

  To move one character up, down, left, or right        Arrow keys
                                                        (Press F2 to edit
                                                        the cell first)

  To move to the beginning of the line                  HOME

  To complete a cell entry and move down in             ENTER
  the selection

  To complete a cell entry and move up in the           SHIFT+ENTER

  To complete a cell entry and move to the right        TAB
  in the selection

  To complete a cell entry and move to the left         SHIFT+TAB
  in the selection

  To edit the active cell                               F2

  To enter the date (datasheet only)                    CTRL+; (SEMICOLON)

  To enter the time (datasheet only)                    CTRL+SHIFT+:

Insert, Delete, and Copy Selected Cells or Data by Using Shortcut Keys

  To copy the selection                                 CTRL+C

  To paste the selection                                CTRL+V

  To cut the selection                                  CTRL+X

  To clear the contents of the selection                DELETE

  To insert blank cells                                 CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS

  To delete the selection                               CTRL+- (MINUS

  To undo the last action                               CTRL+Z

Move Within a Selection by Using Shortcut Keys

  To move from top to bottom within the selection       ENTER

  To move from bottom to top within the selection       SHIFT+ENTER

  To move from left to right within the selection       TAB
  or move down one cell if only one column is

  To move from right to left within the selection       SHIFT+TAB
  or move up one cell if only one column is

  To move clockwise to the next corner of the           CTRL+PERIOD

Format Data by Using Shortcut Keys

  To display the Format dialog box for the              CTRL+1
  selected chart item                                   (Cannot use the
                                                        numeric keypad 1

  To apply the General number format to the             CTRL+SHIFT+~
  selected chart axis or data labels                    (TILDE)

  To apply the Currency format with two decimal         CTRL+SHIFT+$
  places to the selected chart axis or data labels
  (negative numbers appear in parentheses)

  To apply the Percentage format with no decimal        CTRL+SHIFT+%
  places to the selected chart axis or data labels

  To apply the Exponential number format with two       CTRL+SHIFT+^
  decimal places to the selected chart axis or
  data labels

  To apply the Date format with the day, month, and     CTRL+SHIFT+#
  year to the selected chart axis or data labels

  To apply the Time format with the hour and minute     CTRL+SHIFT+@
  (and indicate A.M. or P.M.) to the selected chart
  axis or data labels

  To apply the Number format with two decimal           CTRL+SHIFT+!
  places, 1000 separator, and [ASCII 150] for negative
  values to the selected chart axis or data labels

  To apply or remove bold formatting                    CTRL+B

  To apply or remove italic formatting                  CTRL+I

  To apply or remove an underline                       CTRL+U

  To apply or remove strikethrough formatting           CTRL+5
                                                        (Cannot use the
                                                        numeric keypad 5

Select Cells, Columns, or Rows in Datasheets by Using Shortcut Keys

  To extend the selection by one cell                   SHIFT+ arrow key

  To extend the selection to the last nonblank cell     CTRL+SHIFT+ arrow
  in the same column or row of the active cell          key

  To extend the selection to the beginning of           SHIFT+HOME
  the row

  To extend the selection to the beginning of           CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
  the datasheet

  To extend the selection to the last cell used         CTRL+SHIFT+END
  in the datasheet (lower-right corner)

  To select the entire column                           CTRL+SPACEBAR

  To select the entire row                              SHIFT+SPACEBAR

  To select the entire datasheet                        CTRL+A

  If multiple cells are selected, select only           SHIFT+BACKSPACE
  the active cell

  To extend the selection down one screen               SHIFT+PAGE DOWN

  To extend the selection up one screen                 SHIFT+PAGE UP

Select Chart Items by Using Shortcut Keys

  To select the previous group of items                 DOWN ARROW

  To select the next group of items                     UP ARROW

  To select the next item within the group              RIGHT ARROW

  To select the previous item within the group          LEFT ARROW

Additional query words: assignments

Keywords          : kbui 
Technology        : kbWordSearch kbAccessSearch kbPowerPtSearch kbWord97 kbWord97Search _IKkbZNotKeyword4 kbZNotKeyword2 kbGraphSearch kbGraph97
Version           : :97
