Q180901: HOWTO: Create Categorized Table in Word 97 w/ OLE Automation

Article: Q180901
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): 5.0,5.0a,6.0,Service Release 1 (SR-1)
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbcode kbinterop kbvfp500 kbvfp600 kbWord
Last Modified: 18-DEC-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 5.0, 5.0a, 6.0 
- Microsoft Word 97 for Windows, version Service Release 1 (SR-1) 


This article demonstrates how to create and format a table in Microsoft Word 97
from Visual FoxPro for Windows 5.0 and later using OLE automation. The table
contains a grouping field, for instance, a state, company or customer sales ID.
This example groups by country or region. The data for the Word document will be
gathered using an SQL query into a temporary cursor.


For this code to work correctly, the first field in the query must be the group
field used in the Word 97 report. For instance, if it is necessary to use all
fields in a table for the report, but the field that is to be the group field is
not the first field in the source table, then issue a query similar to this:

  SELECT state,* FROM Customer GROUP BY state, custid INTO CURSOR category

This forces the group field, state in this example, to be the first field in the
queried result.

NOTE: This code only works with the Service Release-1 for Word 97. Using prior
versions of Word 97 causes a "Type Mismatch" and other OLE errors.

Create a program and enter the code given below. When the code is executed, the
user will see two prompts. These prompts ask the user how the Word document
should be formatted. The first prompt asks whether the user wants to have each
grouping on its own page or not. The second question asks if the user wants
underlines between the rows of the table or not. These questions are merely for
viewing preferences and to show how the programmer may format the table in Word
with these and other preferences.

Here is the sample code:

      */ Begin program code /*
         SET TALK OFF
         ctempfield = ""               && Variable to hold group category.
         headings_added = .F.
         newgrouppage = .F.

     * Make sure the FIRST field in the SELECT is the field the report
     * is categorized by. The Customer table is located in the
     * \VFP\Samples\Data folder. In Visual FoxPro 6.0, the Customer table is
     * in the Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Samples\Data folder.

     SELECT country, company, contact, title,maxordamt,phone;
     FROM HOME()+"Samples\Data\testdata!customer" GROUP BY;
        country,cust_id INTO CURSOR category

     IF _TALLY > 0
        oWord = CREATEOBJECT("Word.Application")
        owRange = oWord.Activedocument.Range(0,0)
        numcols = FCOUNT()-1   && Get number of fields for detail section
        oWord.Activedocument.Tables.Add(owRange, 1, numcols)

        * First prompt, separate pages for each group.
        nanswer = messagebox("Put each group on a new page?",36,;
           "Sepatate Pages")
        DO CASE
           CASE nanswer = 6         && Yes
              newgrouppage = .T.
           CASE nanswer = 7         && No
              headings_added = .F.

        WAIT WINDOW "Please wait while the data is formatted in Word.";
           + CHR(13)+"This may take several minutes..." NOWAIT

        DO WHILE !EOF()
           ctempfield = EVAL(FIELD(1)) && Set 1st field in table as category
           WITH oWord
              .Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1
              .Selection.Font.Name = "Arial"
              .Selection.Font.Size = 16
              .Selection.Font.Bold = .T.

              IF NOT headings_added && Put at least one heading in document
                 FOR i = 2 TO FCOUNT()
                    .Selection.Font.Italic = .T.
                    .Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1
                    .Selection.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
                    .Selection.Font.Size = 8
                    headings_added = .T.

              FOR i = 2 TO FCOUNT()
                 curfield = EVAL(FIELD(i))
     * Check data type. Does not check Double, Float, Integer, General, Memo.
                 IF TYPE((FIELD(i)))<>"C"
                 DO CASE
                    CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "D"         && Date field
                       curfield = DTOC((FIELD(i)))
                    CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "N"         && Numerical
                       curfield = STR((FIELD(i)))
                    CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "Y"         && Currency
                       curfield = STR(EVAL(FIELD(i)),8,2)
                    CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "L"         && Logical
                       IF curfield
                          curfield = "True"
                          curfield = "False"
                    CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "T"         && DateTime
                       curfield = TTOC(EVAL(FIELD(i)))

           DO WHILE ctempfield = EVAL(FIELD(1))   && Get other like records.
              WITH oWord
                 FOR i = 2 TO FCOUNT()
                    curfield = EVAL(FIELD(i))
                    IF TYPE((FIELD(i)))<>"C"
                       DO CASE
                       CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "D"
                          curfield = DTOC((FIELD(i)))
                       CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "N"
                          curfield = STR((FIELD(i)))
                       CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "Y"
                          curfield = STR(EVAL(FIELD(i)),8,2)
                       CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "L"
                          IF curfield
                             curfield = "True"
                             curfield = "False"
                       CASE TYPE((FIELD(i))) = "T"
                          curfield = TTOC(EVAL(FIELD(i)))

           IF RECNO() > RECCOUNT()   && Prevents an empty table/cells.
              IF newgrouppage
                 headings_added = .F.    && False: add headings to each page.
                 oWord.Selection.InsertBreak(2)  && Page break each category.

        oWord.Selection.SelectRow   && Ensures no extra rows in the table.

        * This section underlines or turns off all lines in the table.
        nanswer = MESSAGEBOX("Turn off underlines Y/N",36,;
           "No underlines in the table?")
        DO CASE
        CASE nanswer = 6       && Yes, turn off all underlines.
           WAIT WINDOW 'Formating table with no underlines in the table.';
           WITH oWord
              For Each aTable In .ActiveDocument.Tables && Format all tables.
                 aTable.Borders(-1).LineStyle = 0         && Top border.
                 aTable.Borders(-2).LineStyle = 0         && Left
                 aTable.Borders(-3).LineStyle = 0         && Bottom
                 aTable.Borders(-4).LineStyle = 0         && Right
                 aTable.Borders(-5).LineStyle = 0         && Horizontal
                 aTable.Borders(-6).LineStyle = 0         && Vertical
                 aTable.Borders.Shadow = 0
        CASE nanswer = 7         && Number just underlines.
           WITH oWord
              WAIT WINDOW 'Formating table with underlines between records.';
              For Each aTable In .ActiveDocument.Tables && Format each table.
                 aTable.Borders(-1).LineStyle = 0         && Top border
                 aTable.Borders(-2).LineStyle = 0         && Left
                 aTable.Borders(-3).LineStyle = 1         && Bottom
                 aTable.Borders(-4).LineStyle = 0         && Right
                 aTable.Borders(-5).LineStyle = 1         && Horizontal
                 aTable.Borders(-6).LineStyle = 0         && Vertical
                 aTable.Borders.Shadow = 0
           oWord.ActiveWindow.View.TableGridlines = .F. && No table gridlines

     * Get the number of pages in the Word report. The code adds the report
     * headings to the document header when the user chooses not to have the
     * report categories print on separate pages. Makes viewing groups
     * headings easier on other pages.
        numpages = oWord.ActiveDocument.ComputeStatistics(2)
        IF numpages > 1 AND NOT newgrouppage
           WITH oWord
              .ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = 3 && Put Word in Page view
              .ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = 9      && Open header.
              .Selection.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.ClearAll   && Clear tabs.

              * Printed header width is computed by subtracting margins
              * from page width. The margins are divided by 72. Word stores
              * these values as points; i.e. 72points/inch.
              pagewidth = 8.5-(.ActiveDocument.PageSetup.RightMargin+;
              tabspace = (pagewidth/(numcols))*72 && Convert inches to points
              tabstops = tabspace
              FOR i = 2 TO FCOUNT()
                 .Selection.Font.Italic = .T.   && Format heading captions.
                 .Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1
                 .Selection.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
                 .Selection.Font.Size = 8
                 .Selection.TypeText(chr(9)) && Tab to set the next heading.
                 .Selection.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.Add(tabstops) && Tab
                 tabstops = tabstops+tabspace
        WITH oWord
           .ActiveWindow.View.Type = 3 && Switch to page view. Normal view=1
           .ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = 0 && Open main document.
           .Selection.Homekey(6)               && Go to top of document.
           .Visible = .T.                     && Make Word visible.
           .Application.Activate               && Bring Word forward.
           .WindowState = 0    && Show Word in normal state. Maximized=1
           .ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = 0 && No nonprinting items.
        =MESSAGEBOX("There were no records in the query.",16,;
           "Empty Query")
     */ End program code /*


For more information about obtaining Word for Windows 97 Service Release - 1,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q172475 HOWTO: Obtain and Install MS Office 97 SR-1

Microsoft Word Visual Basic Help

(c) Microsoft Corporation 1998, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Dean
Christopher, Microsoft Corporation

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbcode kbinterop kbvfp500 kbvfp600 kbWord 
Technology        : kbWordSearch kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbWord97 kbWord97Search kbZNotKeyword2 kbWord97SR1 kbVFP500 kbVFP600 kbVFP500a
Version           : :5.0,5.0a,6.0,Service Release 1 (SR-1)
Issue type        : kbhowto
