Q182834: Missing Error Messages When Using Diagnostic Capture

Article: Q182834
Product(s): Microsoft SNA Server
Version(s): WINDOWS:1.0,4.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 07-APR-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft COM Transaction Integrator for CICS and IMS, version 1.0, used with:
   - Microsoft SNA Server, version 4.0 


Error messages developed in the recording component of a Diagnostic Capture
Remote Environment (RE) are not currently logged in the Windows NT Event Log.
Consequently, information gathered about the encountered error is lost.

The example detailed in the "More Information" section describes only one
instance of this problem.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft COM Transaction
Integrator for CICS and IMS version 1.0. This problem was corrected in the
latest SNA Server version 4.0 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining
this Service Pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
(without the spaces):

  " S E R V P A C K " (without the quotation marks)


The following is an actual example. It includes the additional information that
you would expect to be written in the Event Log for this specific example.

First, create the error situation using the CedarBank tutorial as a basis.

1. Start Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and open the COM Transaction
  Integrator snap-in.

2. Right-click Remote Environments and click New...Remote Environment.

3. Click Diagnostic Capture and then click OK.

4. In the Capture Remote Environment Wizard, select CICS LINK as the type of RE,
  and then click Next.

5. Provide your own name for a recording file and click Next.

6. Provide your own name for the Diagnostic Capture RE and click Next.

7. Click Finish.

8. In the left pane of MMC, right-click the new Diagnostic Capture RE and click

9. Click the Target tab.

10. Select "Use responses created from the turnaround dialog."

11. Start Windows Explorer and locate the recording file you created.

12. Right-click the file and click Properties.

13. Under Attribute, click to select the Read-only check box.

14. Install Sna\Comti\Tutorials\CedarBank\CICSLink\Cedar.tlb in a new Microsoft
  Transaction Server (MTS) package. Use the tutorial instructions as necessary
  to complete the process.

15. Use the COMTI snap-in to ensure that Cedar.tlb is associated with the new
  Diagnostic Capture RE.

16. Start Sna\Comti\Tutorials\CedarBank\CICSLink\VBClient\CedarBank.exe.

  Result: The application displays a dialog box with the error message:

  (1300) COM Transaction Integrator was unable to allocate a state machine to
  process the method call (progress=2, hr=0x80040111).

17. Click Exit on the dialog box.

18. Click Start on the Windows NT Taskbar. Point to Programs, point to
  Administrative Tools, and then click Event Viewer.

19. On the Log menu, click Application.

The following four error entries appear in the Event Log.


  Event ID: 103
  Source: COMTI
  Type: Error
  Category: General
  (103) An error occurred during object creation and couldn't be reported to the

  Exception description: (1773) Capture could not update summary information in
  recording file c:\program files\sna\comti\recordings\BUG202.rcd. Make sure
  that the recording file is not marked as Read Only.

  Explanation: An Automation exception was formatted but couldn't be returned to
  the client because the error occurred during object creation. The exception
  shown above describes the error. An HRESULT of CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE was
  returned to the client application.

  Action: The error may be caused by communication problems or configuration
  errors on your system. See the exception description for corrective actions.


  Event ID: 300
  Source: COMTI
  Type: Error
  Category: StMachDisp
  (300) COM Transaction Integrator's state machine dispenser was unable to
  create a new state machine object

  Progress Code: 6

  HRESULT: 0x80040111

  COM Transaction Integrator was unable to create and initialize a new state
  machine object in response to a client request. The progress code and HRESULT
  above indicate the source and nature of the error.

  Determine the meaning of the HRESULT shown above and proceed accordingly.


  Event ID: 301
  Source: COMTI
  Type: Error
  Category: StMachDisp
  (301) COM Transaction Integrator's state machine dispenser was unable to
  allocate a state machine object

  Progress Code: 2

  HRESULT: 0x80040111

  COM Transaction Integrator was unable to allocate a new or existing state
  machine object in response to a client request. The progress code and HRESULT
  above indicate the source and nature of the error.

  Determine the meaning of the HRESULT shown above and proceed accordingly.


  Event ID: 102 Source: COMTI
  Type: Error
  Category: General
  (102) COM Transaction Integrator reported the following exception to a

  Component: Cedar.Bank.1
  Method: cedrbank

  Exception description:
  (1300) COM Transaction Integrator was unable to allocate a state machine to
  process the method call (progress=2, hr=0x80040111).

  An Automation exception representing an error condition was returned to a COM
  Transaction Integrator client. The description shown above contains more
  information about the exception that was reported.

  The exception may be caused by communication problems or errors in your host
  application. See the exception description for corrective actions.

A change has been made such that COMTI will write additional error entries, from
the recording component of the Diagnostic Capture RE, to the Event Log, such as
this one for the present example.

  Event ID: 803
  Source: COMTI CapturePlayback
  Type: Error
  Category: Recording

  (803) COM Transaction Integrator recording object failed to update a recording
  file for a capture or playback Remote Environment:

  Recording File Identifier:

  Exception Description:
  (8336) Unable to open recording
  c:\program files\sna\comti\recordings\test.rcd for writing, HRESULT =

  The recording object failed in servicing a request to update the summary
  information in a recording file. This failure may indicate that the recording
  file path is invalid, that the user lacks permission to modify a file in the
  folder identified by the recording path, or that the recording file is

  Start the COMTI Management Console. Select the Remote Environments folder.
  Locate the capture or playback Remote Environment associated with the
  recording file. Right-click to view action options, and select Properties.
  Select the Recording tab to view recording file information. Examine the
  recording file path and make sure that it is valid. If the Create Date field
  is blank, the recording object does not recognize the file as a valid
  recording, and it may be corrupted. If the Create Date field is valid, make
  sure that the recording is not identified as read- only. To create a new
  recording file, enter a unique path name and click Apply. To use a different
  existing recording file, use the Browse key to select a different recording
  file and click Open.

Additional query words:

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbCOMTISearch
Version           : WINDOWS:1.0,4.0
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
