Q184271: INFO: Updated AutoAccept Event Script

Article: Q184271
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): 1.2,5.5
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbCDO kbCDO121 kbFAQ
Last Modified: 12-MAR-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Collaboration Data Objects (CDO), version 1.2 
- Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5 


Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5 provides Autoaccept.txt as one of the
Scripting Agent Sample Scripts. Autoaccept.txt is provided as a sample for
automatically handling meeting requests for a Conference Room or other

This article provides an extended version of this sample that includes the
following additional functionality:

- Processes meeting cancellations.

- Processes meeting updates to allow for extending existing meeting requests,
  if the additional time slot is available.

- Processes Schedule+ 1.0 meeting requests and updates so that the responses
  are registered in the organizer's Schedule+ appointment.

- Processes recurring meeting requests, updates, and cancellations (except
  updates to single instances of recurring meeting requests).


For instructions about how to install this sample script, please see the
Readme.txt file in the Server\Support\Collab\Sampler\Scripts\AUTOACCEPT folder
on the Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 CD-ROM.

Sample Code

   <SCRIPT RunAt=Server Language=VBScript>
   ' NAME: Autoaccept.Txt
   ' FILE DESCRIPTION: Auto-accept meeting request sample for Exchange
   '                   Scripting Agent.
   ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1997. All rights reserved.
   ' NOTE: This example uses the Meeting Item Object. Please
   '       see the MAPI SDK for the details of the properties, constants
   '       and methods of this object.
   Option Explicit

   ' Global Variables
   Dim g_bstrDebug    'Debug String

   Dim g_Const_CDOAppointmentItem
   Dim g_Const_CDOMeetingItem
   Dim g_Const_CDOMeetingRequest
   Dim g_Const_CDOMeetingResponse
   Dim g_Const_CDOResponseDeclined
   Dim g_Const_CDOResponseAccepted
   Dim g_Const_CDOResponseTentative
   Dim g_Const_CdoFree
   Dim g_Const_CdoBusy
   Dim g_Const_CdoTentative
   Dim g_Const_CdoOutOfOffice
   Dim g_Const_CdoNonMeeting
   Dim g_Const_CdoMeeting
   Dim g_Const_CdoMeetingCanceled
   Dim g_Const_CdoMeetingReceived

   Dim g_Const_CdoRecurTypeDaily
   Dim g_Const_CdoRecurTypeWeekly
   Dim g_Const_CdoRecurTypeMonthly
   Dim g_Const_CdoRecurTypeMonthlyNth
   Dim g_Const_CdoRecurTypeYearly
   Dim g_Const_CdoRecurTypeYearlyNth
   Dim g_Const_CdoSunday
   Dim g_Const_CdoMonday
   Dim g_Const_CdoTuesday
   Dim g_Const_CdoWednesday
   Dim g_Const_CdoThursday
   Dim g_Const_CdoFriday
   Dim g_Const_CdoSaturday

   Dim g_Const_MaxYearRecur
   Dim g_Const_MaxOtherRecur
   Dim g_Const_LastInstance

   ' Assign values to Constants.
    g_Const_CDOAppointmentItem = 26
    g_Const_CDOMeetingItem = 27
    g_Const_CDOMeetingRequest = 1
    g_Const_CDOMeetingResponse = 2 'Not used but given for reference.
    g_Const_CDOResponseDeclined = 4
    g_Const_CDOResponseAccepted = 3
    g_Const_CDOResponseTentative = 2

    g_Const_CdoBusy = "2"         'Constants for BusyFree result we show
    g_Const_CdoFree = "0"         'an example for using CdoFree.
    g_Const_CdoOutOfOffice = "3"
    g_Const_CdoTentative = "1"

    g_Const_CdoNonMeeting = 0
    g_Const_CdoMeeting = 1
    g_Const_CdoMeetingCanceled = 5
    g_Const_CdoMeetingReceived = 3

    g_Const_CdoRecurTypeDaily = 0
    g_Const_CdoRecurTypeWeekly = 1
    g_Const_CdoRecurTypeMonthly = 2
    g_Const_CdoRecurTypeMonthlyNth = 3
    g_Const_CdoRecurTypeYearly = 5
    g_Const_CdoRecurTypeYearlyNth = 6

    g_Const_CdoSunday = 1
    g_Const_CdoMonday = 2
    g_Const_CdoTuesday = 4
    g_Const_CdoWednesday = 8
    g_Const_CdoThursday = 16
    g_Const_CdoFriday = 32
    g_Const_CdoSaturday = 64

    g_Const_LastInstance = 5

    'Max number of months to check for conflicts on
    'yearly recurrence.
    g_Const_MaxYearRecur = 48

    'Max number of months to check for conflicts on
    'daily/weekly/monthly recurrence.
    g_Const_MaxOtherRecur = 12

   '                        EVENT HANDLERS
   '   Name: Folder_OnMessageCreated
   '   Description: This event fires when a new message is added
   '                to the folder.

    Public Sub Folder_OnMessageCreated

       On Error Resume Next
       Dim oStores         'Stores Object.
       Dim oMtg            'Meeting Object.
       Dim oAppt           'Appointment Object.
       Dim oMtgResp        'Meeting Response Object.
       Dim oUser           'User Object.

       Dim Resp            'Response integer variable.
       Dim sConflicts      'String description of recurring appointment

       Set oUser = EventDetails.Session.CurrentUser

       Call DebugAppend("AUTOACCEPT - Folder_OnMessageCreated",False)

       'Get Incoming Meeting Message.
       Set oMtg = _
           EventDetails.Session.GetMessage(EventDetails.MessageID, Null)

       If oMtg.Class <> g_Const_CDOMeetingItem Then

          Call DebugAppend( _
               "Message is not a meeting request or response: " & _

       Else       'Ok, It's a meeting, but is it a request ?
          If oMtg.MeetingType <> g_Const_CDOMeetingRequest Then

             Call DebugAppend("Meeting item is not a request: ",False)

             ' For Schedule+ 1.0 Cancellations, the associated appointment
             ' does not exist, so we must check the type of the meeting
             ' request.
             If (oMtg.Type = "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Canceled") And _
                (oMtg.Sender.Type = "MS") Then
                Call DeleteOriginalAppt(oMtg.Fields(&H00620003).Value, _

                On Error Resume Next
                Set oAppt = oMtg.GetAssociatedAppointment

                If Err.Number = 0 Then  ' GetAssociatedAppointment OK

                   If oAppt.MeetingStatus = g_Const_CdoMeetingReceived Then

                      'We only need to delete the associated appointment
                      'and the original appointment (if this is an update)
                      'if this request is from Schedule+ 1.0.
                      If oMtg.Sender.Type = "MS" Then
                         Call DeleteOriginalAppt( _
                                  oMtg.Fields(&H00620003).Value, _
                      End If

                      If IsFree(oUser, oAppt, _
                             EventDetails.Session.GetDefaultFolder(0), _
                             sConflicts) Then

                         Call DebugAppend("Free - Accepting meeting",False)

                         Set oMtgResp = _

                         Set oAppt = oMtgResp.GetAssociatedAppointment
                         oAppt.ReplyTime = Now()
                         oAppt.Fields.Add &H00620003, _
                         Set oAppt = Nothing

                         oMtgResp.Text = _
                          "Conference room is available. Meeting accepted."


                         Set oMtgResp = _

                         ' Set text of response message.
                         If oAppt.IsRecurring Then

                        oMtgResp.Text = "Conference room is unavailable " _
                                 & "for all instances of your recurring " _
                                 & "meeting request. The first conflict " _
                                  & "found was on " & sConflicts & ". " _
                                  & " Meeting declined. "

                       Call DebugAppend("Conflict found on " & sConflicts _
                                  & " - Declining meeting", False)


                        oMtgResp.Text = "Conference room is unavailable " _
                              & "for the requested time. Meeting declined."

                            Call DebugAppend( _
                               "Conflict found - Declining meeting", False)

                         End If

                         Set oAppt = Nothing

                      End If

                      If oMtg.Sender.Type = "MS" Then

                         'Copy PR_OWNER_APPT_ID so that the response is
                         'registered when received by Schedule+ 1.0.
                         oMtgResp.Fields(&H00620003).Value = _

                         'Copy PR_SENT_REPRESENTING... properties to
                         'PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING properties to prevent
                         '"You are not this person's assistant".
                         oMtgResp.Fields.Add &H00430102, _
                         oMtgResp.Fields.Add &H0044001E, _

                      End If



                     If oAppt.MeetingStatus=g_Const_CdoMeetingCanceled Then


                         Call DebugAppend("Meeting Canceled!", False)

                      End If      'g_Const_CdoMeetingCanceled

                   End If         'g_Const_CdoMeetingReceived

                Else     ' GetAssociatedAppointment Failed.

                   ' If the meeting is a cancellation and the associated
                   ' appointment is not in the calendar, then just delete
                   ' the cancellation notice.
                   If (oMtg.Type = "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Canceled") Then

                      Call DebugAppend("Meeting is not in calendar..." & _
                           "deleting meeting cancellation notice", False)

                   End If

                End If            'Err.Number = 0

             End If

          End If

       End If

       'Check for any possible sys errors
       Call DebugAppend("Error Detected: ",True)

       Script.Response = g_bstrDebug

    End Sub

   '   Name: Message_OnChange
   '   Description: This event fires when a message in the
   '                folder is changed.

    Public Sub Message_OnChange   'Not Used

    End Sub

   '   Name: Folder_OnMessageDeleted
   '   Description: This event fires when a message is deleted
   '                from the folder.

    Public Sub Folder_OnMessageDeleted   'Not Used

    End Sub

   '   Name: Folder_OnTimer
   '   Description: This event fires when the timer on the
   '              folder expires.

    Public Sub Folder_OnTimer   'Not Used

    End Sub

   '                  PRIVATE FUNCTIONS/SUBS
   '   Name: DebugAppend
   '   Area: Debug
   '   Desc: Simple Debugging Function
   '   Parm: String Text, Bool ErrorFlag
    Private Sub DebugAppend(bstrParm,boolErrChkFlag)
       If boolErrChkFlag = True Then
          If err.number <> 0 Then
             g_bstrDebug = g_bstrDebug & bstrParm & "-" & _
                           cstr(err.number) & err.description & vbCrLf
          End If
          g_bstrDebug = g_bstrDebug & bstrParm & vbCrLf
       End If
    End Sub

   '   Name: DeleteOriginalAppt
   '   Desc: Schedule+ 1.0 Mtg Request Update Handling
   '   Parm: Integer PR_OWNER_APPT_ID, Object CalendarFolder

    Private Sub DeleteOriginalAppt (bApptID, oCalendar)

       On Error Resume Next
       Dim MsgColl   ' Messages collection
       Dim Appt      ' Appointment
       Dim tmpField

       Set tmpField = Nothing
       Set MsgColl = oCalendar.Messages

       For Each Appt In MsgColl

          On Error Resume Next
          Set tmpField = Appt.Fields(&H00620003)

          If Not tmpField Is Nothing Then

             If tmpField.Value = bApptID Then

                Appt.Delete  ' Delete appt
                Exit For

             End If

          End If

          Set tmpField = Nothing


       Set Appt = Nothing
       Set MsgColl = Nothing
       Set oCalendar = Nothing

    End Sub

   '   Name: FindConflicts
   '   Desc: Manually Check Free/Busy in Calendar
   '   Parm: Object CalendarFolder, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate

    Private Function FindConflicts (oCalendar, dStartTime, dEndTime)

       On Error Resume Next
       Dim oMsgColl   'Messages Collection
       Dim oMsgFilter 'Filter for Messages Collection
       Dim oAppt      'Appointment
       Dim bFoundConflict

       bFoundConflict = "0"    'Default: Time is Free

       Set oMsgColl = oCalendar.Messages
       Set oMsgFilter = oMsgColl.Filter

       oMsgFilter.Fields.Add &H600040, dEndtime
       oMsgFilter.Fields.Add &H610040, dStartTime

       Set oAppt = oMsgColl.GetFirst

       If oAppt Is Nothing Then   ' No appointments met filter condition

          bFoundConflict = "0"    ' so time is free.


          Do While (Not oAppt Is Nothing)

             ' We'll ignore appointments that start when ours ends
             ' or that end when ours starts.
             If(Not (FormatDateTime(oAppt.StartTime, vbGeneralDate) = _
                     FormatDateTime(dEndTime, vbGeneralDate) Or _
                     FormatDateTime(oAppt.EndTime, vbGeneralDate) = _
                     FormatDateTime(dStartTime, vbGeneralDate))) Then

                ' Make sure the appointment is not "free"
                If (Not oAppt.BusyStatus = 0) Then

                   bFoundConflict = "2"
                   Exit Do

                End If

             End If

             Set oAppt = oMsgColl.GetNext


       End If

       ' Now we do a completely separate check for appointments that
       ' start in the middle of a recurring appointment instance.
       Set oMsgColl = oCalendar.Messages
       Set oMsgFilter = oMsgColl.Filter

       oMsgFilter.Fields.Add &H600040, dEndTime
       Dim s_date
       s_date = CDate(dStartTime)
       oMsgFilter.Fields.Add &H610040, DateSerial(Year(s_date), _
           Month(s_date), Day(s_date) - 1)

       ' We have to go back far enough to catch all instances of
       ' appointments that last long enough that they could extend
       ' to the start of our requested time period.
       ' 24 hrs seems like a reasonable period for this (based on
       ' the assumption that no one will have an room booked for
       ' more than 24 hours)

       Set oAppt = oMsgColl.GetFirst

       If oAppt Is Nothing Then   ' No appointments met filter condition

          bFoundConflict = "0"    ' so time is free.

          Do While (Not oAppt Is Nothing)
             ' Ignore appointments that start when ours ends or end when
             ' ours starts.
             If ( Not ( CDate(oAppt.StartTime) = CDate(dEndTime) Or _
                CDate(oAppt.EndTime) = CDate(dStartTime) ) ) Then
             ' Attempt at additional checks to catch cases where our
             ' required time period starts during an instance of a
             ' recurring appointment.
             ' Have to use CDate to get date comparisons to work correctly.
             If (CDate(oAppt.StartTime) <= CDate(dStartTime)) And _
               (CDate(oAppt.EndTime) >= CDate(dStartTime)) Then

                If (Not (oAppt.BusyStatus = 0)) Then

                    bFoundConflict = "2"
                    Exit Do

                End If

              End If

             End If

             Set oAppt = oMsgColl.GetNext


        End If

       FindConflicts = bFoundConflict

    End Function

   '   Name: IsFree
   '   Desc: Checks the user's calendar for conflicts.
   '         Returns True if no conflicts were found otherwise False.
   '         Handles recurring meetings
   '   Parm: AdrressEntry object, AppointmentItem object, Folder object,
   '         String ConflictingAppt

    Private Function IsFree(oUser, oAppt, oCalendar, ByRef sConflict)

       On Error Resume Next
       Dim NoOfMins    'Number of minutes in appointment
       Dim Resp        'GetFreeBusy() response string
       Dim oRecur      'RecurrencePattern object
       Dim FirstSTime  'Start date/time of first ever occurrence
       Dim STime       'Current Start date/time
       Dim ETime       'Current End date/time

       IsFree = True   'Default result = success

       If oAppt.IsRecurring Then

          'Recurring meeting, get RecurrencePattern object for meeting
          Call DebugAppend("Meeting is recurring",False)
          Set oRecur = oAppt.GetRecurrencePattern()

          'Start time
          STime = oRecur.StartTime
          FirstSTime = STime

          'Calculate the total number of minutes in the appointment.
          NoOfMins = DateDiff("n", STime, oRecur.EndTime)

          'Loop until a busy slot is found or all recurrences are free.

             'Recalculate End Time
             ETime = DateAdd("n", NoOfMins, STime)

             'Check free/busy status.
             Resp = FindConflicts(oCalendar, STime, ETime)

             'No point continuing if slot is busy.
             If Resp <> g_Const_CdoFree then

                sConflict = FormatDateTime(STime, vbShortDate)
                IsFree = False
                Exit Do

             End If

             'Calculate the next recurrence Start time based on recurrence
             Select Case oRecur.RecurrenceType

                Case g_Const_CdoRecurTypeDaily

                    'Add interval days.
                    STime = DateAdd("d", oRecur.Interval, STime)

                Case g_Const_CdoRecurTypeMonthly

                    'Add interval months.
                    STime = DateAdd("m", oRecur.Interval, STime)

                Case g_Const_CdoRecurTypeYearly

                    'Add interval years.
                    STime = DateAdd("m", 12 * oRecur.Interval, STime)

                Case g_Const_CdoRecurTypeMonthlyNth

                    'Add interval months then find next instance in the
                    STime = DateAdd("m", oRecur.Interval, STime)
                    Call FindInstanceInMonth(FirstSTime, oRecur.Instance, _

                Case g_Const_CdoRecurTypeYearlyNth

                    'Add interval years then find next instance in month.
                    STime = DateAdd("m", 12 * oRecur.Interval, STime)
                    Call FindInstanceInMonth(FirstSTime, oRecur.Instance, _

                Case g_Const_CdoRecurTypeWeekly

                    'Find the next recurrence this week.
                    Call FindInstanceInWeek(oRecur.DayOfWeekMask, _
                                            oRecur.Interval, STime)

                Case Else

                  Call DebugAppend("Recurrence Type did not match list: " _
                         & oRecur.RecurrenceType, False)

             End Select

            'Limit number of recurrences checked for yearly meetings and
            'daily/weekly/monthly meetings.
            If (oRecur.RecurrenceType = g_Const_CdoRecurTypeYearlyNth) Or _
               (oRecur.RecurrenceType = g_Const_CdoRecurTypeYearly) Then

            If DateDiff("m", FirstSTime, STime) > g_Const_MaxYearRecur Then

                    Exit Do

                End If


           If DateDiff("m", FirstSTime, STime) > g_Const_MaxOtherRecur Then

                    Exit Do

                End If

             End If

          Loop While (ETime <= oRecur.PatternEndDate)


          'Normal, one-off meeting.
          Resp = FindConflicts(oCalendar, oAppt.starttime, oAppt.endtime)

          If Resp <> g_Const_CdoFree then

             IsFree = False

          End If

       End If

    End Function

   '   Name: FindInstanceInMonth
   '   Desc: Returns the start date/time of the next meeting in the
   '         current month.
   '   Parm: DateTime FirstStartTime, Long InstanceOfDayInMonth,
   '         DateTime NewStartTime

    Private Sub FindInstanceInMonth(FirstSTime, nInstance, ByRef STime)

       On Error Resume Next
       Dim LastWeek

       'Start from the beginning of the month.
       STime = DateAdd("d", (0 - Day(STime)) + 1, STime)

       'Find the first day of recurrence (Monday) in the month.
       'If the beginning of the month falls after the day of recurrence
       'we use next week's instance.
       If Weekday(FirstSTime) < Weekday(STime) Then

          STime = DateAdd("d", _
                  (7 - Weekday(STime)) + Weekday(FirstSTime), STime)


          STime = DateAdd("d", _
                  Weekday(FirstSTime) - Weekday(STime), STime)

       End If

       'If the meeting is scheduled for the last week of a period, then
       'we look for a 5th instance (albeit clumsily).
       If (nInstance = g_Const_LastInstance) Then

         'If 4 weeks from hence we're still in the same month then we
         'have 5th instance, otherwise the last week is the 4th instance.
          LastWeek = DateAdd("d", 28, STime)

          If Month(LastWeek) <> Month(STime) Then

             STime = DateAdd("d", 21, STime)


             STime = LastWeek

          End If

       ElseIf (nInstance > 1) Then

          'Go to specific instance.
          STime = DateAdd("d", (nInstance - 1) * 7, STime)

       End If

    End Sub

   '   Name: FindInstanceInWeek
   '   Desc: Returns the start date/time for the next meeting in the
   '         current week.
   '   Parm: Long DayOfWeekMask, Long IntervalOfAppt,
   '         DateTime NewStartTime

    Private Sub FindInstanceInWeek(DOWMask, nInterval, ByRef STime)

       On Error Resume Next
       'Iterate through each day of the week until matching day is found.

          'If the meetings are scheduled at > 1 week intervals and we've
          'reached the end of the current week, we skip to the next
          If (Weekday(STime) = 7) And (nInterval > 1) Then

              STime = DateAdd("d", (nInterval - 1) * 7, STime)

          End If

       Loop While GetNextDayOfWeek(DOWMask, STime) <> True

    End Sub

   '   Name: GetNextDayOfWeek
   '   Desc: Returns the start date/time of the next meeting matching
   '         the DayOfWeek mask for the current week.
   '   Parm: Long DayOfWeekMask, DateTime NewStartTime

    Private Function GetNextDayOfWeek(nMask, ByRef t)

       On Error Resume Next
       Dim i

       GetNextDayOfWeek = False    'Default result.

       'Iterate through each day in the week until a match is found.
       'in the DayOfWeek mask

          t = DateAdd("d", 1, t)

          i = 2 ^ (Weekday(t) - 1)

          If ((nMask And i) = i) Then

             GetNextDayOfWeek = True
             Exit Do

          End If

       Loop While Weekday(t) <> 7

    End Function


NOTE: This is a sample script; support is not available for the script beyond
this explanation of how to install and use it. This sample is provided as an
example of how to use the scripting agent.

Additional query words: autoaccept auto accept outlook

Keywords          : kbCDO kbCDO121 kbFAQ 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbCDOsearch kbExchangeSearch kbExchange550 kbZNotKeyword2 kbCDO120
Version           : :1.2,5.5
Issue type        : kbinfo
