Q189631: HOWTO: Add the Entire Directory Structure to a RichTextBox

Article: Q189631
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbCtrl kbVBp kbVBp400 kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVB kbDSupport
Last Modified: 11-JAN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 


This article describes two ways to view the contents of a directory tree from a
RichTextBox control.


The following sample program uses a RichTextBox to display the entire contents
of a drive. It is also an example of recursion, the QuickSort algorithm, and
RichTextBox RTF formatting.

Step-by-Step Example

1. Start a new Standard EXE project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by

2. From the Project menu, select Components, check "Microsoft Common Dialog
  Control" and "Microsoft RichTextBox Control," and then click OK.

3. Add the following controls to Form1:

  4 CommandButton controls
  2 DirListBox controls
  1 DriveListBox control
  1 FileListBox control
  1 CommonDialog control
  1 RichTextBox control

4. Add the following code to the General Declarations section of Form1:

        Option Explicit

        Dim InF As String ' Starting Directory
        Dim DS As String  ' Buffer for RFT control text
        Const nL = "{\par }"

        Function DbS(ByVal txt As String) As String
           Dim k As Long, kLast As Long
           Dim nt As String
           k = 1
           kLast = 1
           Do ' Replace all \ characters with \\ 
              k = InStr(kLast, txt, "\")
              If k = 0 Then
                 Exit Do
                 txt = Left$(txt, k) & Right$(txt, Len(txt) - k + 1)
                 kLast = k + 2
              End If
           DbS = txt
        End Function

        ' ============================ QuickSort ============================
        ' QuickSort works by picking a random "pivot" element in SortArray,
        ' then moving every element that is bigger to one side of the pivot,
        ' and every element that is smaller to the other side. QuickSort is
        ' then called recursively with the two subdivisions created by the
        ' pivot. Once the number of elements in a subdivision reaches two,
        ' the recursive calls end and the array is sorted.
        ' ===================================================================
        Private Sub QuickSort(SortArray() As String, ByVal Low As Long, _
                           ByVal High As Long)
           Dim I As Long, J As Long, RandIndex As Long, Partition As String
           If Low < High Then
              ' Only two elements in this subdivision; swap them if they are
              ' out of order, then end recursive calls:
              If High - Low = 1 Then
                 If UCase(SortArray(Low)) > UCase(SortArray(High)) Then
                    SWAP SortArray(Low), SortArray(High)
                 End If
                 ' Pick a pivot element at random, then move it to the end:
                 RandIndex = Rnd() * (High - Low) + Low ' RandInt%(Low, High)
                 SWAP SortArray(High), SortArray(RandIndex)
                 Partition = UCase(SortArray(High))
                    ' Move in from both sides towards the pivot element:
                    I = Low: J = High
                    Do While (I < J) And (UCase(SortArray(I)) <= Partition)
                       I = I + 1
                    Do While (J > I) And (UCase(SortArray(J)) >= Partition)
                       J = J - 1

                    ' If we haven't reached the pivot element it means that 2
                    ' elements on either side are out of order, so swap them:
                    If I < J Then
                       SWAP SortArray(I), SortArray(J)
                    End If
                 Loop While I < J

                 ' Move the pivot element to its proper place in the array:
                 SWAP SortArray(I), SortArray(High)

                 ' Recursively call the QuickSort procedure (pass the
                 ' smaller subdivision first to use less stack space):
                 If (I - Low) < (High - I) Then
                    QuickSort SortArray, Low, I - 1
                    QuickSort SortArray, I + 1, High
                    QuickSort SortArray, I + 1, High
                    QuickSort SortArray, Low, I - 1
                 End If
              End If
           End If
        End Sub

        Private Sub ScanFoldersC(cD As Integer)
           Dim subFolders As Integer
           Dim tL As String
           Dim J As Integer
           Dim I As Long

           tL = ""
           For J = 0 To File1.ListCount - 1
              tL = tL & Space(cD * 5) + File1.List(J) & nL
           DS = DS & tL
           subFolders = Dir2.ListCount
           If subFolders > 0 Then
              For I = 0 To subFolders - 1
                 DS = DS & "{\b " & DbS(Dir2.List(I)) & "}" & nL
                 File1.path = Dir2.List(I)
                 ChDir CurDir    'Dir2.List(i)
                 Dir2.path = Dir2.List(I)
                 Call ScanFoldersC(cD + 1)
           End If
           '        MoveUp
           If Dir2.List(-1) <> InF Then
              ChDir Dir2.List(-2)
              Dir2.path = Dir2.List(-2)
           End If
           File1.path = Dir2.path
        End Sub

        Private Sub ScanFoldersD(path$, cD As Integer)
           Dim tL As String     ' temporary buffer for filenames
           Dim tPath As String  ' temporary path string
           Dim I As Integer     ' loop index
           Dim sd$(0 To 100)    ' array of subdirectories
           Dim nDir As Integer  ' # of subdirectories in sd$
           Dim sf() As String   ' array of files in directory
           Dim nFile As Integer ' # of files in sf
           ReDim sf(1 To 256)

           tL = ""
           nDir = 0
           nFile = 0
           sd$(0) = Dir$(".", vbDirectory)
           While sd$(nDir) <> ""
              If (GetAttr(sd$(nDir)) And vbDirectory) <> 0 Then
                 If Left$(sd$(nDir), 1) <> "." Then
                    nDir = nDir + 1
                 End If
              ' add the item to the list
                 nFile = nFile + 1
                 sf(nFile) = sd$(nDir)
                 If nFile Mod 256 = 0 Then
                    ReDim Preserve sf(1 To UBound(sf) + 256)
                 End If
              End If
              sd$(nDir) = Dir()
           nDir = nDir - 1
           Call QuickSort(sd$, 0, nDir)
           Call QuickSort(sf, 1, nFile)
           For I = 1 To nFile
               tL = tL & Space(cD * 5) + sf(I) & nL
           Next I
           DS = DS & tL

           If nDir >= 0 Then
              For I = 0 To nDir
                 tPath = path$ & "\" & sd$(I)
                 DS = DS & "{\b " & DbS(tPath) & "}" & nL
                 ChDir tPath
                 Call ScanFoldersD(tPath, cD + 1)
              Next I
           End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub SWAP(first As String, second As String)
           Dim temp As String
           temp = first
           first = second
           second = temp
        End Sub

        Private Sub Command1_Click()
           InF = CurDir
           MsgBox "This program is about to go through the entire " & InF & _
           " ,please be patient."
           DS = "{{\b " & DbS(Dir1.List(-1)) & "}" + nL
           Call ScanFoldersC(1)
           DS = DS & "}"
           RichTextBox1.TextRTF = DS
        End Sub

        Private Sub Command2_Click()
           InF = CurDir
           MsgBox "This program is about to go through the entire " & InF & _
           " ,please be patient."
           DS = "{{\b " & DbS(InF) & "}" + nL
           Call ScanFoldersD(InF, 1)
           DS = DS & "}"
           RichTextBox1.TextRTF = DS
        End Sub

        Private Sub Command3_Click()
           RichTextBox1.TextRTF = ""
           If CommonDialog1.filename <> "" Then _
           RichTextBox1.filename = CommonDialog1.filename
        End Sub

        Private Sub Command4_Click()
           CommonDialog1.Filter = "*.RTF|*.RTF"
           CommonDialog1.filename = ""
           On Error Resume Next
           If CommonDialog1.filename <> "" Then _
           RichTextBox1.SaveFile CommonDialog1.filename
        End Sub

        Private Sub Dir1_Change()
           File1.filename = Dir1.path
        End Sub

        Private Sub Drive1_Change()
           Dir1.path = Drive1.Drive
        End Sub

        Private Sub Form_Load()
           Dir1.Visible = False
           Drive1.Visible = False
           Dir2.Visible = False
           File1.Visible = False
           Form1.Visible = True
           Command1.Caption = "Directory View Method A"
           Command2.Caption = "Directory View Method B"
           Command3.Caption = "Open"
           Command4.Caption = "Save"
        End Sub

5. Run the program. Click either of the Directory View CommandButtons and
  observe the effect. If your current directory is the root, the task may take
  some time to complete.

  NOTE: Name Spaces and other pseudo directory structures such as the Internet
  temp directories may not be displayed using these methods.


For more information about the RichTextBox control, search Help for

For additional information on listing or searching for files, please see the
following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q185476 HOWTO: Search Directories to Find or List Files

  Q185601 HOWTO: Recursively Search Directories Using FileSystemObject

(c) Microsoft Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by Richard T. Edwards, Microsoft Corporation

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbCtrl kbVBp kbVBp400 kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVB kbDSupport 
Technology        : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2 kbVB500Search kbVB600Search kbVBA500 kbVBA600 kbVB500 kbVB600
Version           : WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Issue type        : kbhowto
