Q189742: BUG: SendKeys "{INS}" Causes Error "Invalid Procedure Call"

Article: Q189742
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbGrpDSVB
Last Modified: 11-JAN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0 


When using {INS} in a SendKeys statement, the following error occurs:

  Invalid procedure call or argument.


Documentation states that both {INS} and {INSERT} are valid for the SendKeys
function. Only the {INSERT} is valid.


Use only the {INSERT} code to represent the Insert key stroke.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the
beginning of this article. We are researching this bug and will post new
information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


{INS} is shorthand for the Insert key. Other abbreviated codes such as {DEL} for
Delete do work as expected. Using upper or lower case ( {INSERT} or {insert} )is
not a factor.

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. Create a New Standard EXE Project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by

2. Place a TextBox (Text1) on Form1.

3. Place a CommandButton (Command1) on Form1.

4. Add the following code to the form's module:

        Private Sub Command1_Click()
           SendKeys "{INS}" & "This is a Test"
        End Sub

5. Run the program and click on the button. This will generate the following

  "Invalid Procedure Call or Argument"

6. Now change the code for the button to:

        Private Sub Command1_Click()
           SendKeys "{INSERT}" & "This is a Test"
        End Sub

7. Run the program again and click on the button. This time it works correctly.

Additional query words: kbdss kbDSupport kbVBp kbCrtl kbVBp500bug kbVBp kbVBp600bug

Keywords          : kbGrpDSVB 
Technology        : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2 kbVB500Search kbVB600Search kbVBA500 kbVBA600 kbVB500 kbVB600
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbpending
