Q193573: HOWTO: Determine the Version of a DLL

Article: Q193573
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0,3.0b
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 29-JUL-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b 


It is often necessary to determine the version of a .dll file on a user's
system, such as when using the common controls. Determining the version of the
Comctl32.dll file allows the developer to know, for instance, what functionality
is available at run-time. This article demonstrates how to create and use the
GetDllVersion() function to determine the version of a .dll file.


Visual FoxPro 6.0 offers the _fileversion FoxPro Foundation Class, which
provides this functionality. Alternatively, the AGETFILEVERSION(ArrayName,
cFileName) function can be used in Visual FoxPro 6.0. Visual FoxPro 5.0 can use
the GetFileVersion() function in FoxTools. Users of Visual FoxPro 3.0 can use
the following sample code to obtain the version of a .dll file. Note that this
function only returns versions in a xx.xx.xxxx format. In other words, the file
version in Windows Explorer might return a version of 4.72.2106.4, whereas
GetDllVersion() only returns 4.72.2106.

Save the following program code to a .prg file and run the program:

Sample Code

     *-- Code begins here.

     *-- Platform IDs for DLLVERSIONINFO.
     *-- The Win32 defines are listed here, but cannot be used
     *-- with Visual FoxPro 3.0 because of the ten character limit.
     #define DLLVER_PLATFORM_WINDOWS         0x00000001      && Windows 95
     #define DLLVER_PLATFORM_NT              0x00000002      && Windows NT

     *-- For compatibility with VFP Visual FoxPro 3.0.
     #define WINDOWS         1      && Windows 95
     #define NT              2      && Windows NT

     lsReturn = GetDllVersion("comctl32.dll")

     *-- Parse the string.
     liMajorVersion = StrToLong(SUBSTR(lsReturn, 5, 4))
     liMinorVersion = StrToLong(SUBSTR(lsReturn, 9, 4))
     liBuildNumber  = StrToLong(SUBSTR(lsReturn, 13, 4))
     liPlatform     = StrToLong(SUBSTR(lsReturn, 17, 4))

     *-- Determine the platform.
     liOS = StrToLong(SUBSTR(lsReturn, 17, 4))
     IF liOS = WINDOWS
        lsPlatform = "Windows 9x"
        lsPlatform = "Windows NT"

     lsVersionInfo = "Version: " + ;
       ALLTRIM(STR(liMajorVersion,5,0)) + "." + ;
       ALLTRIM(STR(liMinorVersion,5,0)) + "." + ;
       ALLTRIM(STR(liBuildNumber,5,0)) + CHR(10) + CHR(13) +;
       "Platform: " + lsPlatform


     *-- Function:  GetDllVersion()
     *-- Summary:   Returns the version information for a DLL
     *-- Usage:     GetDllVersion(<cDllName>)
     *-- Example:   lsReturn = GetDllVersion("comctl32.dll")
     FUNCTION GetDllVersion()

     DECLARE LONG LoadLibrary IN kernel32.DLL STRING @lsLib
     DECLARE LONG GetProcAddress IN kernel32.DLL LONG, STRING lsFunction
     DECLARE LONG FreeLibrary IN kernel32.DLL LONG

     *-- DLLVERSIONINFO structure is 20 bytes.
     hDll = LoadLibrary(@lsLib)
     IF hDll = 0
        RETURN ""

     pDllVersion = GetProcAddress(hDll, "DllGetVersion")

     IF pDllVersion = 0
        RETURN ""
        lsSize = LongToStr(20)
        DLLVERSIONINFO = lsSize + SPACE(20 - LEN(lsSize))
        hResult = DllGetVersion(@DLLVERSIONINFO)

     FUNCTION LongToStr()
     * Passed : 32-bit non-negative numeric value (lnLongval)
     * Returns : ascii character representation of passed value in low-high
     * format (lcRetstr)
     * Example :
     *   m.long = "999999"
     *   m.longstr = long2str(m.long)

     PARAMETERS lnLongval

     PRIVATE i, lcRetstr

     lcRetstr = ""
     FOR i = 24 TO 0 STEP -8
        lcRetstr = CHR(INT(lnLongval/(2^i))) + lcRetstr
        lnLongval = MOD(lnLongval, (2^i))
     RETURN lcRetstr

     FUNCTION StrToLong()
     * Passed:  4-byte character string (lcLongstr) in low-high ASCII format
     * Returns:  long integer value
     * Example:
     * m.longstr = "1111"
     * m.longval = str2long(m.longstr)

     PARAMETERS lcLongstr

     PRIVATE i, lnRetval

     lnRetval = 0
     FOR i = 0 TO 24 STEP 8
        lnRetval = lnRetval + (ASC(lcLongstr) * (2^i))
        lcLongstr = RIGHT(lcLongstr, LEN(lcLongstr) - 1)

     RETURN lnRetval
     *-- Code ends here.


(c) Microsoft Corporation 1998. All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Mike
A. Stewart, Microsoft Corporation.

Additional query words: kbVFp300b kbVFp500a kbVFp500 kbAPI

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP300 kbVFP300b
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0b
Issue type        : kbhowto
