Q230755: Microsoft Commerce Solutions Comments and Corrections

Article: Q230755
Product(s): Microsoft Press
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbdocfix kbdocerr
Last Modified: 16-DEC-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- MSPRESS Microsoft Commerce Solutions ISBN 0-7536-0579-3 


This article contains comments, corrections, and information about known errors
relating to the Microsoft Press book "Microsoft Commerce Solutions," ISBN


- Page 65: Figure 3-1 Correction

- Page 123: URL Correction

- Page 222: Text Correction

- Page 290: Figure 7-11 Correction

- Page 367: Figure 9-4 Correction

- Page 368: Text Correction

- Page 368: Text Deletion

- Page 368: Note Correction

- Page 374: Note Correction

- Page 388: Text Correction

- Page 393: Figure 9-15 Correction

- Page 448: Figure 11-11 Correction

- Page 670: Figure 18-2 Correction

- Page 671: Note Correction

- Page 696: Text Correction


Page 65: Figure 3-1 Correction

Page 65, Figure 3-1, lower right box in the server cluster on the left:
"Bower Box"
"Tower Box"

Page 123: URL Correction

Page 123, box:
"http://www.mydomain.com/scripts/ MyCustomFunctionality.dll"

Page 222: Text Correction

Page 222, first sentence:
"This bring up the price promotion form..."
"This brings up the price promotion form..."

Page 290: Figure 7-11 Correction

Change the description for Figure 7-11 from:
"Transactional ASP[md]Committed."
"Transactional ASP-Committed."

Page 367: Figure 9-4 Correction

"Possible Combinations of Clients and Cuppliers"
"Possible Combinations of Clients and Suppliers"

Page 368: Text Correction

Second sentence of first new paragraph:
"...so that the bank cn retrieve additional information..."
"...so that the bank can retrieve additional information..."

Page 368: Text Deletion

Delete the following two sentences on page 368:

"The Credit function also takes an interface to the store component that is
handling the return, the original transaction number (from the customer's
receipt) and the amount to credit for the return. It also returns a new
transaction number through the pTransNumber parameter."

Page 368: Note Correction

Change: "..if an ewCor is incurred."
To: "...if an error is incurred."

Page 374: Note Correction

The note at the top of page 374 should only be two sentences long:

NOTE For the C++ programmer, think of an interface as an abstract base class in
C++ that contains nothing but pure virtual functions. For a C++ class to inherit
from that abstract class, it must implement every function in that class.

The rest of the text in the note is a continuation of the text that started on
Page 373, under the subheading "Relationship To Interfaces."

Page 388: Text Correction

Page 388, second to last sentence:
Change: "A type library is usually used as a development tool...
To: "A type library is usually used by a development tool...

Page 393: Figure  9-15 Correction

To: "Stub"

Page 448: Figure 11-11 Correction

At the bottom of Figure 11-11, change both instances of:

Page 670: Figure 18-2 Correction

Figure 18-2, Legend:
Change: "Office Outlook"
To: "Office Object"

Page 671: Note Correction

Page 671, last sentence of Note:
Change: "...making it two to three times faster then..."
To: "...making it two to three times faster than..."

Page 696: Text Correction

Page 696, fourth sentence in box:
Delete: "Error! Bookmark not defined"

Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All
comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future
printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may
already contain most or all of the above corrections.

Additional query words: ms_press press 0-7536-0579-3

Keywords          : kbdocfix kbdocerr 
Technology        : kbMSPressSearch
Version           : :
Issue type        : kbinfo
