Q247241: WhatsThisHelp.exe: Implement HTMLHelp & WhatsThisHelp

Article: Q247241
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): WINDOWS:6.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbfile kbsample
Last Modified: 24-OCT-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 6.0 


WhatsThisHelp.exe is a self-extracting file that has a sample of how to use
"HTML Help" and "WinHelp" to fully utilize the Visual FoxPro help system.
Utilizing custom classes and properties, both "HTML Help" and "What's This Help"
can be implemented in Visual FoxPro.

In previous versions of Visual FoxPro, the help system was based on "WinHelp". In
Visual FoxPro version 6.0, "HTML Help" is now an option. However, "What's This
Help" with "HTML Help" does not behave as expected. This article describes the
steps necessary to implement "HTML Help" and produce the expected behavior of
"What's This Help".


The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download


Release Date: Mar-10-2000

For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click
the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

Microsoft used the most current virus detection software available on the date of
posting to scan this file for viruses. Once posted, the file is housed on secure
servers that prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

To install the file, download it to any folder. Run the self extracting
executable. It prompts you with the download location. After the files has been
downloaded and extracted, run the program WhatsThis.exe.

The following files are contained in the download file, WhatsThisHelp.exe:

  Name                  Size

  DefaultHelp.htm         421
  Htmlhelp.SCT          6,207
  Htmlhelp.scx          2,559
  Main.prg                 41
  Myclasses.VCT         6,242
  Myclasses.vcx         2,122
  Readme.txt            8,853
  TxtBox1.htm             347
  TxtBox2.htm             347
  TxtBox3.htm             374
  WhatsThis.chm        11,390
  WhatsThis.exe        25,208
  WhatsThis.hhc         1,258
  WhatsThis.hhk         1,466
  WhatsThis.hhp           320
  Whatsthis.hlp        10,623
  WhatsThis.hpj           413
  WhatsThis.PJT         4,323
  WhatsThis.pjx         1,713
  WhatsThis.rtf           676
   20 file(s)          84,883

For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click
the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

Microsoft used the most current virus detection software available on the date of
posting to scan this file for viruses. Once posted, the file is housed on secure
servers that prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

Visual FoxPro's "What's This Help" works with "HTML Help" right out of the box,
but it does not produce the expected ontext-sensitive popup text. Instead, it
displays the "What's This Help" in the HTML help browser. There are three steps
that you can follow to get the correct behavior for the help system in Visual

1. To make "What's This Help" work with "HTML Help", you need to be familiar
  with both the "HTML Help" and "WinHelp" tools. You need to create two
  different help files, an HTML Help file for the detailed help and a WinHelp
  file for the "What's This Help" dialog boxes. For the "HTML Help" file, you
  do not need to create HelpContextIDs, since you will be referring directly to
  the HTML page. The other help file is created with WinHelp, and it is only
  necessary to include the popup "What's This Help" topics.

2. Create the class library necessary to run the forms. Create custom form and
  control subclasses.

  NOTE: See the following for the Property, Event or Method (PEMs)and download
  instructions for the sample files.

  Add a custom method to the form class to handle the call to the Help API. In
  the custom controls, include a property named HelpTopic. This property is
  evaluated at run-time to determine which page of the HTML help file to open.

3. Create a new form and add your form subclass to it. When prompted to create a
  formset, click Yes. Remove the other form, then the formset. Fill in the two
  custom properties "HTMLHelpFile" and "WhatsThisHelpFile". Include the path,
  if necessary, to the help files. Fill in the WhatsThisHelpID, if desired.
  Now, place some of the custom classes on the form and assign values to their
  HelpTopic and WhatsThisHelpID properties.

The following is the sample form subclass code. Use this for reference only, as
it cannot be used directly:

  *-- Class:        mybaseform (myclasses.vcx)
  *-- ParentClass:  form
  *-- BaseClass:    form
  *-- Time Stamp:   
  DEFINE CLASS mybaseform AS form

    Height = 248
    Width = 401
    DoCreate = .T.
    AutoCenter = .T.
    Caption = "HTMLHelp Sample"
    MaxButton = .F.
    MinButton = .F.
    WindowType = 1
    WhatsThisHelp = .T.
    WhatsThisButton = .T.
    *-- The help file to be used with the API call.
    htmlhelpfile = ""
    *-- Used for storing the help file before setting the help associated       *-- with the form.
    oldhelpfile = ""
    *-- Used exclusively for the WhatsThis help.  Must be a .HLP file for SET   *-- HELP TO
    whatsthishelpfile = ""
    Name = "mybaseform"

    ADD OBJECT cmdclose AS mycommandbutton WITH ;
      Top = 204, ;
      Left = 158, ;
      Height = 27, ;
      Width = 84, ;
      Cancel = .T., ;
      Caption = "Close", ;
      Name = "cmdClose"

    *-- Calls the HTMLHelp API for objects on the form.
    PROCEDURE htmlhelp32
      *!*	Use this to fool the compiler, otherwise, an error is generated
      *!*	when searching for the functions GetFocus and HtmHelpA
      EXTERNAL ARRAY GetFocus, HtmHelpA

      *!*	Help related define statements from htmlhelp.h in the
      *!*	HTML Help WS folder.
      #DEFINE HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC      0x0000
      #DEFINE HH_DISPLAY_TOC        0x0001
      #DEFINE HH_DISPLAY_INDEX      0x0002
      #DEFINE HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH     0x0003 && not currently implemented
      #DEFINE HH_HELP_CONTEXT       0x000F && display mapped numeric value
                                           && in dwData

      *!*	Get the HelpContextID of the active control.
      LOCAL cHelpFile, wHnd, nCommand, cTopic
      *!*	HTML help topic page
      cTopic = ""

      *!*   This is a custom property on the form.
      *!*   It can be set in a base/sub class definition
      cHelpFile = THISFORM.HTMLHelpFile

      *!*   This is a custom property on the object.
      *!*   It can be set in a base/sub class definition

      *!*	Active window
      hWnd = 0

      *!* If there is not topic, goto TOC

      DECLARE INTEGER HtmlHelp IN "HHCtrl.ocx" AS "HtmHelpA" ;
        INTEGER  nHWND, ;
        STRING   cHelpFile, ;
        INTEGER  nCommand, ;
        STRING   cTopic

      *!*	Get the active window handle
      DECLARE INTEGER GetFocus IN "user32" AS "GetFocus"
      wHnd = GetFocus()

      IF hWnd = 0
        =MESSAGEBOX("Unable to get window handle.")

      *!*	Call the HTML help system
      nRetVal = HtmHelpA(@hWnd, @cHelpFile, @nCommand, cTopic)

    PROCEDURE Destroy
      *!*	The LostFocus and Deactivate do not fire when RELEASEd
      ON KEY LABEL f1

      *!*	Restore the old help system
      SET HELP TO (THISFORM.OldHelpFile)

    PROCEDURE Deactivate
      *!*	Clear the F1 key
      ON KEY LABEL f1

      *!*	Restore the old help system
      SET HELP TO (THISFORM.OldHelpFile)

    PROCEDURE Activate
      *!*	Save the old help file to restore on deactivation
      THISFORM.OldHelpFile = SET('HELP', 1)
      SET HELP TO (THISFORM.WhatsThisHelpFile)

      *!*	Map the FoxPro help key to the active form's help routine

    PROCEDURE cmdclose.Click

  *-- EndDefine: mybaseform


  Q197027 BUG: WhatsThisHelpID on Toolbar Does Not Function as Expected


Keywords          : kbfile kbsample 
Technology        : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP600
Version           : WINDOWS:6.0
Issue type        : kbhowto
