Q271819: HOWTO: Spell Check in Visual FoxPro with Microsoft Wor

Article: Q271819
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): WINDOWS:2000,3.0,3.0b,5.0,5.0a,6.0,97
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbCOMt kbOOP kbvfp500 kbvfp500a kbvfp600 kbGrpDSFox kbDSupport kbWord97 kbword2000 kbCo
Last Modified: 12-MAY-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b, 5.0, 5.0a, 6.0 


Often, developers want to incorporate spell checking functionality into their
Visual FoxPro (VFP) applications. While Visual FoxPro includes its own spell
checking (in the form of SPELLCHK.APP), this component cannot be redistributed.

A number of third-party spell checking solutions exist for Visual FoxPro (see the
"References" section later in this article). However, if the end-user of the VFP
application has Microsoft Word 97 or Microsoft Word 2000, the VFP application
can take advantage of Word to do its spell checking.


The following Visual FoxPro code demonstrates the use of Microsoft Word to spell
check some text. To use it, save the code to a new program and run it in
Microsoft Visual FoxPro.

With the form running, note that there is misspelled text in the edit box. When
you click the Check Spelling command button, code runs that first checks for the
existence of Microsoft Word, and then uses Word to check the text in the edit
box (if it is installed). Subsequent clicks of the command button do not start
more instances of Word (the initial instance is used until the form is
released), and a message box appears if there are no spelling mistakes.

  *!*********** START CODE ***********
  PUBLIC oform1


  DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form

  	Height = 250
  	Width = 375
  	ShowWindow = 2
  	AutoCenter = .T.
  	BorderStyle = 2
  	Caption = "VFP/Word Spell Checking"
  	MaxButton = .F.
  	Name = "Form1"

  	ADD OBJECT edttexttocheck AS editbox WITH ;
  		Height = 163, ;
  		Left = 23, ;
  		Top = 21, ;
  		Width = 332, ;
  		Name = "edtTextToCheck"

  	ADD OBJECT cmdcheckspelling AS commandbutton WITH ;
  		Top = 207, ;
  		Left = 115, ;
  		Height = 27, ;
  		Width = 149, ;
  		Caption = "\<Check Spelling", ;
  		Name = "cmdCheckSpelling"

  	PROCEDURE findword
  		* PROCEDURE FindWord
  		* AUTHOR: Trevor Hancock, , Microsoft Corporation
  		* CREATED : 08/22/00 11:50:32 AM
  		* ABSTRACT: Locates an installation of MS Word using the FindExecutable API
  		*                 Creates a file with a .doc extension, checks the association on that
  		*                 file using FindExecutable, then deletes the file. FindExecutable returns
  		*                 the full, null terminated path to the application associated with
  		*                 .doc files (in this case).
  		* ACCEPTS: Nothing
  		* RETURNS: Full path to the application associated with .doc files on this machine.

  		LOCAL lcPath, lcResult, lcFileName, llRetVal, ;
  			lcCurDir, lnFileHand, lcWordPath

  		lcPath = SPACE(0)
  		lcResult = SPACE(128)
  		llRetVal = .F.
  		*!* Determine the DIR this form is running from. JUSTPATH() and ADDBS()
  		*!* could be used here instead (if using VFP6), but this code will work in any VFP version.
  		lcCurDir = SUBSTR(SYS(16,0),ATC([ ],SYS(16,0),2)+1)
  		lcCurDir = SUBSTR(lcCurDir,1,RAT([\],lcCurDir))

  		lcFileName = lcCurDir + SYS(3) + [.doc]

  		*!* Create a file with a .doc extension.
  		*!* Could use STRTOFILE() here in VFP6.
  		lnFileHand = FCREATE(lcFileName,0)
  		= FCLOSE(lnFileHand)

  		DECLARE INTEGER FindExecutable IN shell32 STRING @lcFilename, ;
  			STRING @lcPath , STRING @lcResult

  		*!* Determine the file association on .DOC files
  		IF FindExecutable(@lcFileName, @lcPath, @lcResult) > 32
  		*!* Strip off trailing chr(0)
  			lcWordPath = UPPER(SUBSTR(lcResult,1,LEN(ALLTR(lcResult))-1))
  			IF [WINWORD] $ lcWordPath
  				llRetVal = .T.
  		*!* Clean up after ourselves
  		ERASE (lcFileName)
  		RETURN llRetVal

  	PROCEDURE Destroy
  		IF TYPE([goWord]) = [O]
  			IF TYPE([goWordDoc]) = [O]
  				goWordDoc.SAVED = .T.
  		RELEASE goWord, goWordDoc

  		THIS.edtTextToCheck.VALUE = "Thhis text has mistakees in it. We will seend " +  ;
  			"it to Word and have it cheked."


  	PROCEDURE cmdcheckspelling.Click
  		* PROCEDURE cmdcheckspelling.CheckSpelling
  		* AUTHOR: Trevor Hancock, Microsoft Corporation
  		* CREATED : 08/22/00 12:03:46 PM
  		* ABSTRACT: Automates MS Word to check the spelling of text in
  		*                 THISFORM.edtTextToCheck
  		* ACCEPTS: Nothing
  		* RETURNS: Nothing

  		IF TYPE([goWord]) # [O]	&& Check if you have already instantiated Word

  			IF !THISFORM.FindWord()	&& You don't have Word up, so let's locate it.
  				MESSAGEBOX([Microsoft Word is either not installed or is incorrectly registered.], + ;
  					0,[Word Start-Up Failed])
  				RETURN .F.

  			*!* Change the mouse pointer for all form controls to indicate processing (opening Word)
  				.cmdCheckSpelling.MOUSEPOINTER = 11
  				.edtTextToCheck.MOUSEPOINTER = 11
  				.MOUSEPOINTER = 11

  			PUBLIC goWord, goWordDoc	&& Public vars for Word and Document1 in Word.
  			goWord = CREATEOBJECT([WORD.APPLICATION])	&& Create Word
  			WITH goWord
  				.WINDOWSTATE= 0  && wdWindowStateNormal (needs to be Normal before you can move it)
  				.MOVE(1000,1000)	&& Move the window out of view
  				goWordDoc = .Documents.ADD

  			*!* Change mouse pointers back
  				.cmdCheckSpelling.MOUSEPOINTER = 0
  				.edtTextToCheck.MOUSEPOINTER = 0


  		WITH goWordDoc
  			.Content.TEXT = ALLTRIM(THISFORM.edtTextToCheck.VALUE)
  			IF .SpellingErrors.COUNT > 0
  				=MESSAGEBOX([Spell check complete. No errors found],0,[Spell Check])
  			*!* For some reason, Word likes to make itself visible here. Keep it hidden...
  			goWord.VISIBLE = .F.
  			THISFORM.edtTextToCheck.VALUE = .Content.TEXT

  *!*********** END CODE ***********


For additional information on spell checking with Microsoft Visual FoxPro, click
the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q175620 INFO: Limitations on Distribution of Spellchk.app

Some third-party spell checking options for Visual FoxPro are:

  Escribe Spell Checker for FoxPro from Hallogram Publishing

  Polar SpellChecker Component

  VideoSoft vsSPELL

The third-party products discussed in this article are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding
these products' performance or reliability.

(c) Microsoft Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Contributions by Trevor
Hancock, Microsoft Corporation.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbCOMt kbOOP kbvfp500 kbvfp500a kbvfp600 kbGrpDSFox kbDSupport kbWord97 kbword2000 kbCodeSnippet 
Technology        : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP300 kbVFP300b kbVFP500 kbVFP600 kbVFP500a
Version           : WINDOWS:2000,3.0,3.0b,5.0,5.0a,6.0,97
Issue type        : kbhowto
