Q294271: INFO: ASP Error Codes

Article: Q294271
Product(s): Internet Information Server
Version(s): 3.0,4.0,5.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kberrmsg kbASP kbDSupport kberror
Last Modified: 13-AUG-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Internet Information Server versions 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 


This article includes a list of ASP error codes that may be returned while an
Active Server Pages (ASP) page is processing.


| ASP error code | Description                                         | 
| ASP 0100       | Out of memory                                       | 
| ASP 0101       | Unexpected error                                    | 
| ASP 0102       | Expecting string input                              | 
| ASP 0103       | Expecting numeric input                             | 
| ASP 0104       | Operation not Allowed                               | 
| ASP 0105       | Index out of range                                  | 
| ASP 0106       | Type Mismatch                                       | 
| ASP 0107       | Stack Overflow                                      | 
| ASP 0108       | Create object failed                                | 
| ASP 0109       | Member not found                                    | 
| ASP 0110       | Unknown name                                        | 
| ASP 0111       | Unknown interface                                   | 
| ASP 0112       | Missing parameter                                   | 
| ASP 0113       | Script timed out                                    | 
| ASP 0114       | Object not free threaded                            | 
| ASP 0115       | Unexpected error                                    | 
| ASP 0116       | Missing close of script delimiter                   | 
| ASP 0117       | Missing close of script tag                         | 
| ASP 0118       | Missing close of object tag                         | 
| ASP 0119       | Missing Classid or Progid attribute                 | 
| ASP 0120       | Invalid Runat attribute                             | 
| ASP 0121       | Invalid Scope in object tag                         | 
| ASP 0122       | Invalid Scope in object tag                         | 
| ASP 0123       | Missing Id attribute                                | 
| ASP 0124       | Missing Language attribute                          | 
| ASP 0125       | Missing close of attribute                          | 
| ASP 0126       | Include file not found                              | 
| ASP 0127       | Missing close of HTML comment                       | 
| ASP 0128       | Missing File or Virtual attribute                   | 
| ASP 0129       | Unknown scripting language                          | 
| ASP 0130       | Invalid File attribute                              | 
| ASP 0131       | Disallowed Parent Path                              | 
| ASP 0132       | Compilation Error                                   | 
| ASP 0133       | Invalid ClassID attribute                           | 
| ASP 0134       | Invalid ProgID attribute                            | 
| ASP 0135       | Cyclic Include                                      | 
| ASP 0136       | Invalid object instance name                        | 
| ASP 0137       | Invalid Global Script                               | 
| ASP 0138       | Nested Script Block                                 | 
| ASP 0139       | Nested Object                                       | 
| ASP 0140       | Page Command Out Of Order                           | 
| ASP 0141       | Page Command Repeated                               | 
| ASP 0142       | Thread token error                                  | 
| ASP 0143       | Invalid Application Name                            | 
| ASP 0144       | Initialization Error                                | 
| ASP 0145       | New Application Failed                              | 
| ASP 0146       | New Session Failed                                  | 
| ASP 0147       | 500 Server Error                                    | 
| ASP 0148       | Server Too Busy                                     | 
| ASP 0149       | Application Restarting                              | 
| ASP 0150       | Application Directory Error                         | 
| ASP 0151       | Change Notification Error                           | 
| ASP 0152       | Security Error                                      | 
| ASP 0153       | Thread Error                                        | 
| ASP 0154       | Write HTTP Header Error                             | 
| ASP 0155       | Write Page Content Error                            | 
| ASP 0156       | Header Error                                        | 
| ASP 0157       | Buffering On                                        | 
| ASP 0158       | Missing URL                                         | 
| ASP 0159       | Buffering Off                                       | 
| ASP 0160       | Logging Failure                                     | 
| ASP 0161       | Data Type Error                                     | 
| ASP 0162       | Cannot Modify Cookie                                | 
| ASP 0163       | Invalid Comma Use                                   | 
| ASP 0164       | Invalid TimeOut Value                               | 
| ASP 0165       | SessionID Error                                     | 
| ASP 0166       | Uninitialized Object                                | 
| ASP 0167       | Session Initialization Error                        | 
| ASP 0168       | Disallowed object use                               | 
| ASP 0169       | Missing object information                          | 
| ASP 0170       | Delete Session Error                                | 
| ASP 0171       | Missing Path                                        | 
| ASP 0172       | Invalid Path                                        | 
| ASP 0173       | Invalid Path Character                              | 
| ASP 0174       | Invalid Path Character(s)                           | 
| ASP 0175       | Disallowed Path Characters                          | 
| ASP 0176       | Path Not Found                                      | 
| ASP 0177       | Server.CreateObject Failed                          | 
| ASP 0178       | Server.CreateObject Access Error                    | 
| ASP 0179       | Application Initialization Error                    | 
| ASP 0180       | Disallowed object use                               | 
| ASP 0181       | Invalid threading model                             | 
| ASP 0182       | Missing object information                          | 
| ASP 0183       | Empty Cookie Key                                    | 
| ASP 0184       | Missing Cookie Name                                 | 
| ASP 0185       | Missing Default Property                            | 
| ASP 0186       | Error parsing certificate                           | 
| ASP 0187       | Object addition conflict                            | 
| ASP 0188       | Disallowed object use                               | 
| ASP 0189       | Disallowed object use                               | 
| ASP 0190       | Unexpected error                                    | 
| ASP 0191       | Unexpected error                                    | 
| ASP 0192       | Unexpected error                                    | 
| ASP 0193       | OnStartPage Failed                                  | 
| ASP 0194       | OnEndPage Failed                                    | 
| ASP 0195       | Invalid Server Method Call                          | 
| ASP 0196       | Cannot launch out of process component              | 
| ASP 0197       | Disallowed object use                               | 
| ASP 0198       | Server shutting down                                | 
| ASP 0199       | Disallowed object use                               | 
| ASP 0200       | Out of Range 'Expires' attribute                    | 
| ASP 0201       | Invalid Default Script Language                     | 
| ASP 0202       | Missing Code Page                                   | 
| ASP 0203       | Invalid Code Page                                   | 
| ASP 0204       | Invalid CodePage Value                              | 
| ASP 0205       | Change Notification                                 | 
| ASP 0206       | Cannot call BinaryRead                              | 
| ASP 0207       | Cannot use Request.Form                             | 
| ASP 0208       | Cannot use generic Request collection               | 
| ASP 0209       | Illegal value for TRANSACTION property              | 
| ASP 0210       | Method not implemented                              | 
| ASP 0211       | Object out of scope                                 | 
| ASP 0212       | Cannot Clear Buffer                                 | 
| ASP 0214       | Invalid Path parameter                              | 
| ASP 0215       | Illegal value for ENABLESESSIONSTATE property       | 
| ASP 0216       | MSDTC Service not running                           | 
| ASP 0217       | Invalid Scope in object tag                         | 
| ASP 0218       | Missing LCID                                        | 
| ASP 0219       | Invalid LCID                                        | 
| ASP 0220       | Requests for GLOBAL.ASA Not Allowed                 | 
| ASP 0220       | Script isn't transacted                             | 
| ASP 0221       | Invalid @ Command directive                         | 
| ASP 0222       | Invalid TypeLib Specification                       | 
| ASP 0223       | TypeLib Not Found                                   | 
| ASP 0224       | Cannot load TypeLib                                 | 
| ASP 0225       | Cannot wrap TypeLibs                                | 
| ASP 0226       | Cannot modify StaticObjects                         | 
| ASP 0227       | Server.Execute Failed                               | 
| ASP 0228       | Server.Execute Error                                | 
| ASP 0229       | Server.Transfer Failed                              | 
| ASP 0230       | Server.Transfer Error                               | 
| ASP 0231       | Server.Execute Error                                | 
| ASP 0232       | Invalid Cookie Specification                        | 
| ASP 0233       | Cannot load cookie script source                    | 
| ASP 0234       | Invalid include directive                           | 
| ASP 0235       | Server.Transfer Error                               | 
| ASP 0236       | Invalid Cookie Specification                        | 
| ASP 0237       | Invalid Cookie Specification                        | 
| ASP 0238       | Missing attribute value                             | 
| ASP 0239       | Cannot process file                                 | 
| ASP 0240       | Script Engine Exception                             | 
| ASP 0241       | CreateObject Exception                              | 
| ASP 0242       | Query OnStartPage Interface Exception               | 
| ASP 0243       | Invalid METADATA tag in Global.asa                  | 
| ASP 0243       | Cannot use IStream on Request                       | 
| ASP 0244       | Cannot Enable Session State                         | 
| ASP 0246       | Too many concurrent users.  Please try again later. | 
| ASP 0246       | Invalid Default Code Page                           | 


For another list of error messages, click the article number below to view the
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q180751 INFO: Error Messages Shared Between VBCE and VBScript

Additional query words: asp error list

Keywords          : kberrmsg kbASP kbDSupport kberror 
Technology        : kbiisSearch kbiis500 kbiis400 kbiis300
Version           : :3.0,4.0,5.0
Issue type        : kbinfo
