Q298569: /Oxs Is Always Present in Project Options

Article: Q298569
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbenv kbtool kbui
Last Modified: 28-JUN-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++, Version:3.0 


When you change the C/C++ Optimizations Project setting, the compiler flags may
not be affected as you expect. Instead, /Oxs is always present in project
options regardless of the optimization you select.


The settings database does not contain any optimizations other than /Oxs,
maximum opts. and favor code space.


A supported fix is now available from Microsoft, but it is only intended to
correct the problem that is described in this article. Apply it only to systems
that are experiencing this specific problem.

To resolve this problem, contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain the
fix. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers and
information about support costs, visit the following Microsoft Web site:


NOTE: In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls
may be canceled if a Microsoft Support Professional determines that a specific
update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to
additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific
update in question.

The English version of this fix has the following file attributes or later:

  Date         Time        Size         File name
  20-Jul-2001  22:27       1,290,301    Devbld.pkg
  20-Jul-2001  16:29       2,134,016    Vccedb.mdb

NOTE: The settings database was updated to use the following settings:

  Default = /O2 maximize speed
  Disable = /Od disable optimizations
  minimize space = /Oxs maximum opts. and favor code space
  maximize speed = /Oxt maximum opts. and favor code speed


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that
are listed at the beginning of this article.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbenv kbtool kbui 
Version           : :
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
