[This is the original MOZOCK.TXT file] The file mozock.dll is a degenerate winsock implementation that can be used with Netscape for people with no network. If you install mozock.dll as winsock.dll you should be able to still run Netscape and view local files without errors. This is unsupported software. ------------------------------ [Here is a better explanation...] Copy MOZOCK.DLL to a directory that is NOT in your path, and is not your WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Ideally, copy it to your NETSCAPE directory -- then you can just rename MOZOCK.DLL to WINSOCK.DLL and that's it. If you prefer not to copy it to your NETSCAPE directory, and have a directory containing HTM files [like the Novell FAQ :-)], then copy MOZOCK.DLL to this directory and rename it to WINSOCK.DLL. Then you need to specify the "Working Directory" in the Netscape icon as being the directory where you have this special "WINSOCK.DLL". Also, in Netscape under "Options | General Preferences | Appearance | Startup | Start With", you should select "Blank Page". This will get rid of a spurious error message.