Technical Information Document
DEVMON for SFT III v4.10 - TID1203580 (last modified 28JAN1999)
1203580 1203580
associated file

Click filename to download:
devmon.exe; 32573 bytes; Date/Time: 11-24-1997/05:26PM


DEVMON.NLM for SFT III v4.10 which displays LAN and MSL statistics.


Copy DEVMON.NLM to the SYS:SYSTEM directory of the server and then LOAD DEVMON in the IOENGINE of each server.


How can the LAN and MSL statistics be found on NW v4.10 SFT III. Load DEVMON.NLM in the IOENGINE of both servers which can be found in DEVMON.EXE in the NSD area of Netwire.


Self-Extracting File Name:  devmon.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

    DEVMON.NLM      57014   10-21-1994   12:06AM
    DEVMON.TXT       1600   11-24-1997   05:26PM
Document Title: DEVMON for SFT III v4.10
Document ID: 1203580
Creation Date: 02JAN1996
Modified Date: 28JAN1999
Document Revision: 2
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell Product and Version: NetWare 4.1


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