Technical Information Document
NetWare v2.x OS drivers for NEXXXX cards - TID211 (last modified 16AUG1995)
211 211
associated file

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ne286.exe; 211239 bytes; Date/Time: 09-18-1993/02:10PM


NetWare v2.x OS drivers for the following cards: NE3200 NE2000 NE1500 NE/2 NE1000 8022


1) Copy the *.LAN files to the SYSTEM-1 diskette (or to the AUXGEN diskette if you are using 2.1x version of NETWARE).

2) Copy the *.OBJ files to the LAN_DRV_001 diskette.

3) Regen the NET$OS.EXE with these new drivers.

Please refer to the VIRTUAL DRIVER information below for information on the following drivers:

A8022 LAN 152 5-12-93 3:24p
A8022 OBJ 3,620 4-14-93 11:19a
B8022 OBJ 3,620 4-14-93 11:19a
C8022 OBJ 3,620 4-14-93 11:19a
D8022 OBJ 3,620 4-14-93 11:19a


The A8022 lan drivers are virtual 802.2 drivers which may be linked into 2.2 servers (requiring the regeneration of the operating system file NET$OS.EXE). These virtual drivers allow both 802.3 and 802.2 frame types to exist on a single physical LAN.

Virtual Lan Driver Restrictions:

1. The 802.2 virtual driver is only designed to work on Netware 2.2 servers.

2. Only lan drivers written that support Apple Talk phase II will function with the virtual 802.2 driver. If you attempt to use a driver that doesn't support Apple Talk phase II the symptom would be similar to the following:

FOR EXAMPLE If Nic Card were lan A and virtual driver were lan B
a. INSTALL would work and you could link and configure the NET$OS.EXE correctly.
b. When the server tries to come up, you could see something similar to garbage caracters when initializing lan B:

    INITIALIZING LAN B #**@%&$$$%@&$&#&@#&$@&@#&&@$&$(!(*

3. All Ethernet_802.2 packets on Netware 2.2 will have a max packet size of 1/2 a Kilobyte. This is due to an architectural limitation, because 802.2 has an additional 3 bytes in the header that the 802.3 packet did not.

4. 802.3 and 802.2 on the same physical LAN board represent 2 different logical LANs. There can only be a maximum of three physical ethernet LAN boards in the system if they are to both support the two frame types.
EXAMPLES: NON DEDICATED 2.2 server with 3 NIC cards would be configured as follows:
    LAN A - NE2 NET = 1
    LAN B - NE2 NET = 2
    LAN C - NE2 NET = 3
    LAN D - Virtual Driver. NET = 4
    NON - DED NET = 5

Booting the server would show.
    INITIALIZING LAN E (LAN E NET=5 (Non-dedicated w/s)

NOTE: Notice that you would then have to run Dconfig on lans F and G to make the net address whatever that frame type's net address is for the given ethernet segment.

5. You must use the new DCONFIG.EXE contained in NE286.EXE to change the net addresses for FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 for LANS F and G.

NOTE: The Macintosh Apple Talk phase II VAPs for NetWare v2.15 and v2.2 products can coexist with the 802.2 virtual driver.

To implement the 8022 virtual lan drivers do the following steps:

1. Run NETGEN.EXE (2.x) or INSTALL.EXE (2.2)
2. Select the Lan driver for the Lan adapter being used (this will be assigned to LAN A).
3. Now select the Virtual 802.2 Lan driver as the second lan adapter in the system (this will assign the virtual lan driver to LAN B).

Note: If you have two cards in the server that need to support 802.2 frames select the second physical Lan adapter as the second card (assigned LAN B in the system), and then select the 8022 lan drivers as the third Lan adapter (it will be assigned LAN C and LAN F respectively).


This README file of NE286.EXE is for NetWare v2.x.


Follow the installation instructions provided with this file.


Self-Extracting File Name:  ne286.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

  !NVL0701.CFG       2745   09-02-1992   01:25PM
  !NVL1501.CFG      11994   01-11-1993   03:24PM
     @7154.ADF       2657   04-27-1992   01:54PM
     A8022.LAN        152   05-12-1993   03:24PM
     A8022.OBJ       3620   04-14-1993   11:19AM
  ANE100A1.LAN        910   02-12-1991   07:50PM
  ANE100A1.OBJ       5607   08-22-1990   08:33AM
  ANE100A2.LAN        910   02-12-1991   07:50PM
  ANE100A2.OBJ       6469   11-15-1990   04:00PM
  ANE150A1.LAN        611   05-22-1993   04:39PM
  ANE150A1.OBJ       5343   10-07-1991   09:37AM
  ANE150A2.LAN        611   05-22-1993   04:40PM
  ANE150A2.OBJ       5894   10-07-1991   09:37AM
  ANE200A1.LAN       1178   05-22-1993   04:36PM
  ANE200A1.OBJ       6630   09-22-1992   01:24PM
  ANE200A2.LAN       1178   05-22-1993   04:24PM
  ANE200A2.OBJ       7291   09-22-1992   01:24PM
    ANE2A1.LAN       1764   02-12-1991   07:50PM
    ANE2A1.OBJ       6529   07-18-1990   04:39PM
    ANE2A2.LAN       1764   02-12-1991   07:50PM
    ANE2A2.OBJ       7371   11-15-1990   04:14PM
  ANE320A1.LAN        566   08-01-1991   09:07AM
  ANE320A1.OBJ       7313   07-16-1991   04:05PM
  ANE320A2.LAN        566   08-01-1991   09:07AM
  ANE320A2.OBJ       8360   07-16-1991   04:06PM
     B8022.OBJ       3620   04-14-1993   11:19AM
  BNE100A1.OBJ       5607   08-22-1990   08:33AM
  BNE100A2.OBJ       6469   11-15-1990   04:01PM
  BNE150A1.OBJ       5343   10-07-1991   09:37AM
  BNE150A2.OBJ       5894   10-07-1991   09:37AM
  BNE200A1.OBJ       6630   09-22-1992   01:24PM
  BNE200A2.OBJ       7291   09-22-1992   01:24PM
    BNE2A1.OBJ       6529   07-18-1990   04:39PM
    BNE2A2.OBJ       7371   11-15-1990   04:14PM
  BNE320A1.OBJ       7313   07-16-1991   04:06PM
  BNE320A2.OBJ       8360   07-16-1991   04:06PM
     C8022.OBJ       3620   04-14-1993   11:19AM
  CNE100A1.OBJ       5607   08-22-1990   08:34AM
  CNE100A2.OBJ       6469   11-15-1990   04:01PM
  CNE150A1.OBJ       5343   10-07-1991   09:37AM
  CNE150A2.OBJ       5894   10-07-1991   09:37AM
  CNE200A1.OBJ       6630   09-22-1992   01:24PM
  CNE200A2.OBJ       7291   09-22-1992   01:24PM
    CNE2A1.OBJ       6529   07-18-1990   04:39PM
    CNE2A2.OBJ       7371   11-15-1990   04:15PM
  CNE320A1.OBJ       7313   07-16-1991   04:06PM
  CNE320A2.OBJ       8360   07-16-1991   04:06PM
     D8022.OBJ       3620   04-14-1993   11:19AM
   DCONFIG.EXE      22701   07-01-1992   01:31PM
  DNE100A1.OBJ       5607   08-22-1990   08:34AM
  DNE100A2.OBJ       6469   11-15-1990   04:02PM
  DNE150A1.OBJ       5343   10-07-1991   09:37AM
  DNE150A2.OBJ       5894   10-07-1991   09:37AM
  DNE200A1.OBJ       6630   09-22-1992   01:24PM
  DNE200A2.OBJ       7291   09-22-1992   01:25PM
    DNE2A1.OBJ       6529   07-18-1990   04:39PM
    DNE2A2.OBJ       7371   11-15-1990   04:16PM
  DNE320A1.OBJ       7313   07-16-1991   04:06PM
  DNE320A2.OBJ       8360   07-16-1991   04:07PM
     NE286.TXT       7772   09-17-1993   01:08AM
Document Title: NetWare v2.x OS drivers for NEXXXX cards
Document ID: 211
Creation Date: 01JUL1993
Modified Date: 16AUG1995
Document Revision: 1
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell Product and Version: NetWare 2.2
NetWare Pre 3.11 and 2.2


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