Technical Information Document
CRON.NLM Server Utility v1.7 - TID2939440 (last modified 20AUG2004)
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cron5.exe; 97186 bytes; Date/Time: 08-20-2004/04:02PM


Cron schedules commands to be executed on a NetWare server at specified dates and times.

CRON.NLM is Y2K compliant. It does not use a year value for scheduling events. It has been tested for Y2K issues.

NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell supported product. 8/20/2004 edit in readme only


See Issues Section


version 1.7 (NetWare v3.12, v4.x, and IntraNetWare)
Copyright (C) 1997 Novell, Inc.
All Rights Reserved



I. Abstract
II. Installation Instructions
III. Usage
IV. Product Description
V. Enhancements/Bug Fixes
VI. Known Issues
VII. Frequently Asked Questions



Cron schedules commands to be executed on a NetWare server at
specified dates and times.

NOTE: This utility helps system administrators. It is provided
free of charge as a courtesy, and therefore, is not a Novell
supported product.
NOTE: For more advanced scheduling capabilities on a NetWare
server you can purchase third-party scheduling utilities.
For more information refer to the following web pages:

Novell does not support nor endorse these utilities.



Copy CRON.NLM to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory on your server.

For NetWare 3.x:
   Copy CRON.MSG to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory on your server.

   NOTE: You MUST have CLIB.NLM and AFTER311.NLM from LIB312x.EXE
   under the "NetWare 3.12" section)

For IntranetWare and NetWare 4.x:

   For example, if you have the English message file you would
   copy CRON.MSG to SYS:\SYSTEM\NLS\4.



load cron [logfile size]

Logfile size specifies the size the logfile will reach before
restarting. This keeps the logfile from getting too large and
crashing the SYS volume. The default is 5 MB (5000000).



CRON.NLM is adapted from the well-known Unix clock daemon. Cron
runs all day, spending most of its time asleep. Once a minute it
wakes up and reads SYS:\ETC\CRONTAB. Any commands scheduled in
CRONTAB matching the current date and time are executed.

Cron records all actions in the log file SYS:\ETC\CRONLOG.

Each crontab entry has six fields, each separated by tabs or

    minute hour day-of-month month day-of-week command

Each entry is checked in turn, and any entry matching the current
time is executed. The entry * matches anything. A pound sign
(#) is a comment. Valid values are:
     day-of-week(0-6) Note: week starts with 0=Sunday

          #Min Hr Dat Mo Day Command

          #print time every minute
          * * * * * time

          #print volumes on the hour
          0 * * * * volumes

          #do backup Mon-Fri at 0430
          30 4 * * 1-5 load sbackup

          #Start Oracle database every morning at 7:00 a.m.
          #Stop Oracle database every Sunday at 7:45 p.m.
          0 7 * * * orastart
          45 19 * * 0 orastop

          #Mon, Wed, Fri at 1930 down server
          30 19 * * 1,3,5 down

          #Xmas morning at 0900 only
          0 9 25 12 * load sing



Enhancements to version 1.1:
- Enhanced to removed the 2K size limit for CRONTAB.

Enhancements to version 1.3:
- Enhanced checking of scheduling parameters in CRONTAB.
- Enhanced to execute commands on the minute mark.
- Enhanced to spawn NLMs rather than feeding them to the
  keyboard buffer. All other commands are still fed to
  the keyboard buffer.
- Fixed shutdown routine so that CRON can unload itself.

Bug Fixes to version 1.5:
- Whitespace before command were not being removed.
- When "Load <NLM>" is specified, the arguments were not being parsed correctly.

Bug Fixes to version 1.6:
- Month was corrected to check between Jan (1) and December (12). Previously
  December could not be selected.

Enhancements to version 1.7:
- Cron was enabled for localization. It must now be accompanied by a .MSG file
  which contains language specific messages.



Issue 1 - The keyboard buffer is stuffed with the command so anyone typing
          on the console at the time will have their keystrokes interrupted.



Q: I try to load CRON on NetWare 3.12 and get a message like
"Loader cannot find public symbol: LoadLanguageMessageTable"
"Loader cannot find public symbol: NWfprinf"

A: These messages occur when older verison of CLIB.NLM
and AFTER311.NLM are being used. You need to download the
latest version of these NLMs. They are both found in LIB312x.EXE
( under the "NetWare 3.12" section)

After these two NLMs have been installed load AFTER311.NLM before
trying to load CRON.

Q: I get the message "Can't access crontab". What does this

A: CRON does NOT create a file named CRONTAB; you must do that.
CRONTAB is a text file that must exist in SYS:\ETC and have
NO extension (NOT CRONTAB.TXT).

Q: How do I create CRONTAB?

A: With your favorite text editor, write the commands and
save the file as SYS:\ETC\CRONTAB. Some text editors
automatically add a .TXT extension. This is bad. Remove it.

Q: Can I run DOS commands or DOS batch files?

A: Cron can execute any command that is currently available from the
NetWare server such as loading NLMs or server console commands. It does
not provide DOS shell-like functionality.

Q: Some NLMs stay loaded even when they have completed. The next
time Cron tries to load it, it will give a "non-re-entrant"
error. How can I unload them?

A: Some NLMs have command-line options for auto-unloading. If
not, you can schedule an unload command one minute before the
load command. For example, if you want XYZBACK.NLM to run EVERY
night at 3:00 am, you would use "0 3 * * * load xyzback" in
CRONTAB. Unfortunately, xyzback requires a manual shutdown. It
ran fine early Friday morning, but because the administrator
didn't unload xyzback, the server could not load it fresh again
early Saturday and Sunday mornings. A new command needs to go in
CRONTAB: "59 2 * * * unload xyzback".

Q: Can I redirect NLM output to keep status reports?

A: Although you get a status report of cron in CRONLOG, you can
NOT get output from any NLM that cron schedules.

Novell Products and versions
NetWare 3.12
NetWare 4.1
NetWare 4.11
NetWare 4.2
NetWare 5
NetWare for Small Business 4.11
NetWare for Small Business 4.2
Novell Small Business Suite 5
intraNetWare 4.11


Self-Extracting File Name:  cron5.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

      CRON.MSG       1039   01-28-1998   02:39PM
      CRON.NLM       6518   06-08-1998   09:51AM
     CRON5.TXT       8988   08-20-2004   04:02PM
Document Title: CRON.NLM Server Utility v1.7
Document ID: 2939440
Creation Date: 23JUN1998
Modified Date: 20AUG2004
Document Revision: 4
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell Product and Version: NetWare 4.2


The Origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is for your information only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.

Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information.