Technical Information Document
MIXMODFX for Long Directory Names - TID2954669 (last modified 05JAN2000)
2954669 2954669
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mixmod6.exe; 27044 bytes; Date/Time: 01-05-2000/07:05AM


This NetWare 4.11/4.2 server patch adds mixed mode support and fixes a problem when using Microsoft Word 97 (from Office 97).

The Microsoft Word program cannot save files to a map rooted directory with a long name.


This patch works in combination with the Novell Client v3.x for Windows 95/98 or later.

Do not use this patch if an older version of the Novell Client is being used.
Using mixmodfx.nlm with the Novell Client v2.2, v2.5, 3.01, or 3.02 for Windows 95 can cause the following problem: After loading MIXMODFX.NLM, loading or going to the properties of Excel and Word files with long names results in the blue screen of death (BSOD).

Installing MIXMODFX.NLM:

1. Copy MIXMODFX.NLM to the system directory on the file server.

2. Type PMLOAD MIXMODFX <return> at the file server console.

To load MIXMODFX each time the server is started:

1. Copy MIXMODFX.NLM to a directory on the DOS partition of the server.
2. Edit the STARTUP.NCF file.
3. Right after the loading of the other patches (pk411.nlm, etc.), add the following line:

    pmload <directory path>\mixmodfx.nlm

where <directory path> is the path on the DOS partition where mixmodfx.nlm is located, like C:\NWSERVER, for example.


When saving files in Microsoft Word 97 (from Office 97), the following error message appears:
This is not a valid file name.

Try one or more of the following:
 * check the path to make sure it was typed correctly
 * select a file from the list of files and folders

This happens only under the following conditions:

The drive you save to is map rooted and the path contains a long directory name anywhere in the path, for example, MAP ROOT H:=DUS-CEN3/U04:/PersonalDirectory\LongDirectoryName

The error does not occur when:

 - the map rooted path does not contain long names
 - the directory you save to does not contain long names

File History:
The 1/27/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm (v1.04) allows a volume to be mounted if a subdirectory named PIPE is created on a NetWare volume.
The 2/19/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm addresses some issues that could cause the file server to abend.

The 3/31/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm (v1.05) fixes an issue where the server hangs.

The 7/09/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm (v1.07) fixes additional server hangs and now works with 4.11 SFT III.

The 9/15/99 build of mixmodfx.nlm (v1.08) improves performance of a specific file or directory search (NCP 87 3) in a directory with a large number of files.


Self-Extracting File Name:  mixmod6.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

   MIXMOD6.TXT       3778   01-05-2000   07:05AM
  MIXMODFX.NLM      17717   09-15-1999   02:47AM
Document Title: MIXMODFX for Long Directory Names
Document ID: 2954669
Creation Date: 09NOV1999
Modified Date: 05JAN2000
Document Revision: 2
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell Product and Version: NetWare 4.11
NetWare 4.2
intraNetWare 4.11


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