Technical Information Document
NetWare Virtual Debuggers - TID2965398 (last modified 07APR2003)
2965398 2965398
associated file

Click filename to download:
vdbtools.exe; 460396 bytes; Date/Time: 04-07-2003/10:11AM


The files inside of this kit are the virtual debuggers for NetWare 3.12, NetWare 3.2, NetWare 4.10, NetWare 4.11, NetWare 4.20, NetWare 5.0, NetWare 5.10 and NetWare 6.0. They are used to read coredump files for the specific operating system.


Each of the files included here will only run on a Microsoft Windows platform.

Extract the files to a location on your local hard drive. A new directory will be created (e.g., c:\vdbtools) and the files will be copied into it.


To use the coredump readers, open up a DOS box and use the following syntax:

<coredump reader> <path to the coredump>

For instance,

vdb560 c:\coredump\coredump.img

This syntax shows that a coredump image stored at c:\coredump named coredump.img is going to be opened with the vdb560.exe executable.


Self-Extracting File Name:  vdbtools.exe

Files Included       Size   Date         Time    Version   Checksum

  VDBTOOLS.TXT       2248   04-07-2003   10:11AM
      VDB3.EXE     128950   04-18-1996   05:44PM
     VDB4Y.EXE     233984   03-20-2001   05:44PM
     VDB5E.EXE     200773   08-25-2000   01:33PM
    VDB560.EXE     434245   08-07-2001   05:55PM
Document Title: NetWare Virtual Debuggers
Document ID: 2965398
Creation Date: 07APR2003
Modified Date: 07APR2003
Document Revision: 1
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell Product and Version: NetWare 4.2
NetWare 5.1
NetWare 6


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