OS/2 Utilities (Sa, 21 Aug 1999)

OS/2 Utilities (Sa, 21 Aug 1999)

PART-2-OS/2 Utilities-- ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util

  Available files: 
URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/inftxt.zip
Filesize:  75782 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  08-28-92
Description:  Prob determination for OS/2 (23 files)

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/iniexe2.zip
Filesize:  484058 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  11-05-93
Description:  Latest INI editor for OS/2, Caution!!!!

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/inishow.arc
Filesize:  9995 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 Displays OS2.INI Info in 1.1

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/iniutil1.zip
Filesize:  33792 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-12-91
Description:  INI file utility. One of the best.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/ins21l.zip
Filesize:  1891068 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-22-93
Description:  Install 2.1 from B 3.5" blue color set

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/ins21m.zip
Filesize:  1934345 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  03-11-94
Description:  Install 2.1 from B: 3.5" Salmon disks

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/instb.zip
Filesize:  1773903 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-25-92
Description:  Boot 5.25"/A & install 3.5"/B OS/2 2.0 ...This file contains two diskette
image files: DISKI.DSK allows the installation of OS/2 2.0 from a 5.25" A drive.
DISKB.DSK is a special diskette image required to allow the installation from drive B

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/jmode100.zip
Filesize:  6885 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  04-26-94
Description:  Set OS/2 session screen to 80x30

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/key-fake.zip
Filesize:  2588 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  04-09-93
Description:  Feed keystrokes to a util from a .BAT

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/killem.zip
Filesize:  34546 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  10-13-93
Description:  Kills running applications by name

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/ldf.com
Filesize:  11576 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-01-94
Description:  Extract .DSK files into diskette

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/lf37-os2.arc
Filesize:  28672 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 J. Archer's Directory Lister

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/lh2_222.zip
Filesize:  114258 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-17-93
Description:  Lharc for OS/2 (16 & 32bit) handle .LZH

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/lines.arc
Filesize:  4864 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 Toggle VGA Between 25 & 50 Lines

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/listea.zip
Filesize:  105575 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  03-29-94
Description:  Rexx prog--list EA contents to text

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/listos2.zip
Filesize:  19456 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  10-02-93
Description:  List Directories for OS/2

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/ljlgray.zip
Filesize:  7250 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-23-91
Description:  OS/2 Laserjet print util. On graybar. ...LJLGRAY will print ASCII files
2-up (two pages on one). It is similar to other file-listers except that it creates a
gray-bar background of alternating 5-line graybars to enhance readibilklity. OS/2
protected mode only, character-based.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/loader.zip
Filesize:  65616 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  02-08-94
Description:  used w/OS2ATI12.ZIP for ATI MACH driver

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/loadram2.exe
Filesize:  22788 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  09-16-96
Description:  extracts .ram files

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/look2_21.zip
Filesize:  111325 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-02-93
Description:  32-bit OS/2 File Viewing Utility

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/ls311.txt
Filesize:  4121 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  08-23-90
Description:  About LS311.EXE replacement for SORT. ...Text file give some info on the
OS/2 & DOS utility LSORT available here as LS311.EXE. Just run LS311.EXE to unpack.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/ls_os2.arc
Filesize:  21504 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 Unix-Like Dir Lister

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/makbtdsk.zip
Filesize:  3840 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-23-92
Description:  REXX prg. that makes OS/2 2.0 boot disk

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/makebook.zip
Filesize:  17086 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  04-14-95
Description:  Create Book icon for .INF files

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/makedskf.zip
Filesize:  19340 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  09-13-93
Description:  Makes a DSK image from a disk

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/makesp.zip
Filesize:  3072 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-23-93
Description:  REXX for os/2 CSD, Need VRexx

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/mclip.zip
Filesize:  55158 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  10-25-94
Description:  ManyClip: Allows multiple PM Clipboards

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/memo11.zip
Filesize:  17434 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-17-93
Description:  Memo/reminder with alarm for PM

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/memsz211.zip
Filesize:  147144 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  10-09-93
Description:  Useful system resources program for PM

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/memsz230.zip
Filesize:  172556 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  03-25-94
Description:  Resource monitor-nice, configurable-src

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/memsz252.zip
Filesize:  329845 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  08-07-95
Description:  MemSize v2.52 -System monitor

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/memsz312.zip
Filesize:  489315 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  03-13-96
Description:  Resources monitor for Warp

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/minipics.zip
Filesize:  35608 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  03-15-91
Description:  PD ATM Type 1 font

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/mkeslan.cmd
Filesize:  10571 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  08-25-92
Description:  Pgm to remake ES & LAN desktop icons

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/mksr104.exe
Filesize:  18827 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  02-19-94
Description:  Newer MAKESR.CMD file for PMTAPE

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/mltmt30p.zip
Filesize:  838004 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-29-94
Description:  Maintain INI EA and backup desktops

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/mole.zip
Filesize:  17222 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-17-93
Description:  view & terminate crashed programs

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/mon120.zip
Filesize:  23296 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  03-06-91
Description:  OS/2 PM CPU Activity Monitor v1.2 ...A PM utility, CPU Activity Monitor
displays CPU load as an updated line chart. It has a number of options and comes with
full source code. v1.20 is dated 5-17-89.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/monitor.com
Filesize:  22 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  09-26-91
Description:  Allows 2 Displays on Model P70 (Type 8573)

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/mouse700.zip
Filesize:  142989 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  MS V7.00 Mouse Support (Incl. OS/2 supp

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/newhand.zip
Filesize:  3927 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-19-95
Description:  Hand pointers for your PM mouse

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/npswp181.zip
Filesize:  81081 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  10-26-95
Description:  Wow! Workplace Shell Enhancer. Freeware.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/oback124.zip
Filesize:  41376 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  08-09-90
Description:  OS/2 Backup utility v1.24

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/oback202.zip
Filesize:  114688 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  02-01-94
Description:  OS/2 Backup and restore utility

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/obrep10.zip
Filesize:  17353 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-26-95
Description:  Util to recreat Warp object accid. del'd

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/opsys1.zip
Filesize:  13312 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-20-94
Description:  OS/2 and DOS--report OS in use as ErrLv

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2-1x.zip
Filesize:  79877 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-07-95
Description:  OS/2 1.x Tips and Q&As from PS Assistnt ...This file contains all of the
OS/2 1.x technical tips and Q&As that used to be in the PS Technical Assistant. These
have been removed due to their size and age. Users of the PS Assistant who still have to
support OS/2 1.x systems should download this file in addition to the "regular" PS
Assistant files.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2.arc
Filesize:  2048 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 Small Useful Utils, Pid, Killpro

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2_dacs.exe
Filesize:  369461 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-22-95
Description:  S3 864 fix for OS/2 display Problems

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2_qas.zip
Filesize:  23258 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  07-21-92
Description:  150 OS/2 2.0 Q & A's

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2activ.arc
Filesize:  25960 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 Monitor Task Activities of CPU

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2aes.exe
Filesize:  86296 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  03-01-91
Description:  OS/2 AES Ver 1.1 for OS/2 Ver 1.3 ...This is a self-extracting file.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2apar.exe
Filesize:  121600 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  09-14-92
Description:  OS/2 APARS from IBM ServiceLink/IBMLink

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2arc.arc
Filesize:  38912 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 ARC Program

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2c_080.arj
Filesize:  136192 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  12-05-93
Description:  OS/2 Commander V0.80- Norton Cmdr clone

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2fl.zip
Filesize:  16988 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  09-02-92
Description:  Shows location of OS/2 files on dsk.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2free.arc
Filesize:  7168 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 Reports RAM Free, Time (not 24) &

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2iso.zip
Filesize:  219278 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  04-22-94
Description:  ISO Fonts for OS/2 on PS/2 Systems ...ISO compliant fonts for use with
OS/2 2.00.1 and higher on PS/2 systems.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2lmou2.zip
Filesize:  3033 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-25-90
Description:  OS/2 and Logitech Mouse. Notes on OS/2

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2lmous.zip
Filesize:  1389 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 Support for Logitech Mice

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2nloff.arc
Filesize:  7168 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 Turn Numlock Off

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2setng.exe
Filesize:  34944 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  04-03-92
Description:  OS/2 2.0 DOS SETTINGS FOR MANY PROGRAMS ...You have asked for it and now
you can get it. Provided by one of the OS/2 developers in BOCA, here is a list of the DOS
settings to use for MANY, MANY DOS applications, games, etc..

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2speed.zip
Filesize:  2410 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  09-24-92
Description:  tricks DV programs to give os2 more CPU ...For Desqview aware programs,
tells the program that is is running under DV and to give-up unused CPU usage back to

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2stuff.zip
Filesize:  1456547 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-18-90
Description:  Several OS/2 Utilities

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2super.tif
Filesize:  274390 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-02-92
Description:  TIF comic strip of OS/2 Super Hero. ...This is a comic strip of the OS/2
Super Hero, developed for the IBM Advisor newsletter, and copyrighted by Derek Berube and
IBM Corp. Feel free to print it and enjoy it, but do not reprint for publication without
the express written consent of IBM.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2tls.zip
Filesize:  273408 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-02-94
Description:  WP 60 Windows OS/2 Integration Tool ...OS/2 WPS Integration tools disk
for seamless integration of Wordperfect 6.0a for Windows into the WPS. Requires the 6.0a
interim release.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2wp61.txt
Filesize:  809 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-25-95
Description:  Text file that contains Desc os2wp61.z

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2wp61.zip
Filesize:  327319 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-25-95
Description:  OS/2 WPS Intergration tools disk for -> ...seamless integration of both
Wordperfect 6.0a and 6.1 for windows into the WPS

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2xdir.arc
Filesize:  19456 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 Extended Directory

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2you16.zip
Filesize:  135757 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-16-91
Description:  OS/2 remote access utility ...OS/2 application allows remote dial-in (and
auto call-back for security, if needed) and remote execution of character-mode OS/2
applications! OS2you could even be used to create an inexpensive multi-user (non-GUI,
non-PM) OS/2 environment since it supports several popular serial terminals. Veryice
shareware from Sweden.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/os2zipv.zip
Filesize:  8382 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 PM Viewing Utility. Works wkunzip

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/osdemo.zip
Filesize:  175004 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  03-10-94
Description:  Screen capture and conversion for OS/2

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/owtd.inf
Filesize:  309780 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  12-21-95
Description:  OS/2 Warp Trouble-shooting demystified

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pc2-150.zip
Filesize:  219682 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  08-02-93
Description:  Popup Menu system launchs applications

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pcasst.zip
Filesize:  4966647 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-09-97
Description:  All IBM PC Assistant Files (14).

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pfm2afm.zip
Filesize:  24576 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  12-06-93
Description:  Convert PFM fonts to OS/2's AFM format

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/phoenix.zip
Filesize:  54532 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  07-19-91
Description:  OS/2 HPFS/FAT UNERASE

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/phone.zip
Filesize:  55595 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  09-16-93
Description:  OS/2 phone dialer

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pkos2250.exe
Filesize:  309181 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  07-03-97
Description:  Pkwares Pkzip & Pkunzip for OS/2 V2.50

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pkzos2.exe
Filesize:  258176 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  07-18-91
Description:  Pkwares Pkzip & Pkunzip for OS/2

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/playbill.zip
Filesize:  59822 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-25-91
Description:  PD ATM Type 1 font 'Playbill' ...Another PD ATM compatible font for OS/2

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/plnet111.zip
Filesize:  304585 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  07-01-94
Description:  Neat PM system watcher.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmbench.zip
Filesize:  46625 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 PM System Benckmark Suite From Pub

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmcap155.zip
Filesize:  45314 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  10-31-92
Description:  OS/2 PM program to capture PM screens

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmcc00.arj
Filesize:  93184 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  12-05-93
Description:  PM ctrl cntr beta launcher/organizer &

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmd20e.zip
Filesize:  137174 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  06-03-93
Description:  PM Disk Copy demo- cpy,format,image,chk

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmdskcpy.zip
Filesize:  11655 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 PM Replacement for Diskcopy

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmdup.zip
Filesize:  32380 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-21-94
Description:  OS/2 PM Disk Copier.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmenv.zip
Filesize:  30223 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  12-07-90
Description:  OS/2 PM Envelope Printer w/source! ...This is a very nice little envelope
printer for OS/2 PM. This version works with OS/2 and puts address and return address on
several different sizes of standard envelopes.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmfmt110.zip
Filesize:  12438 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-21-91
Description:  PM diskette formatter for OS/2 v1.10 ...Shareware ($5) OS/2 PM diskette
formatter from Germany. Handles both high and low density media in either A: or B: drive.
Saves position. Placement of graphic elements overlaps with 8514/A video, but the utility
works fine. Nice icon.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmformat.zip
Filesize:  4245 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  11-29-90
Description:  PM front-end for OS/2 Format utility ...PMFormat is a front-end for
FORMAT. It is intended for ISA machines and defaults to 5.25" A and 3.5" B drives with no
way to change that default. Perhaps a more flexible version will appear later on.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmfree.exe
Filesize:  37168 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-13-92
Description:  PM Disk Free utility.see free disk/ram

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmlist12.zip
Filesize:  8778 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 PM File Lister/Browser. Well-Done.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmstart.zip
Filesize:  16095 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-24-90
Description:  OS/2 PM Utility to Startup an OS/2 App

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmview3.zip
Filesize:  57337 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  09-28-90
Description:  OS/2 PM file viewer - improved version ...This is an improved version of
an OS/2 PM file viewer origionally written by PC MAg. Source code is included.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmview4a.zip
Filesize:  85332 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-24-91
Description:  PMView - latest ver 4a dtd 12/90

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmworld1.zip
Filesize:  47271 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-25-90
Description:  OS/2 PM World Clock Utility. Multiple C

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/pmzip.zip
Filesize:  70754 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-26-91
Description:  OS/2 PM ZIpfile front-end ...Nice shareware front-end for ZIPfile
management. Should be associated with *.ZIP for best use. Has a lot of options. There a a
few shortcomings such as the view option for examining text files within .ZIPS but
overall, an improvement over ZSHELL.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/polyboot.zip
Filesize:  29669 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-21-91
Description:  OS/2 multiple OS boot utility. ...Polyboot allows booting different OSs.
Source and intruction in two languages is included. From Germany.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/postcr.zip
Filesize:  42564 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-25-91
Description:  PD ATM Type 1 font 'PostCrypt' ...PD ATM compatible font 'PostCrypt' for

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/prolite.exe
Filesize:  259902 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  05-10-91
Description:  Programmer's Productivity Pack LITE.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/ps2inf.zip
Filesize:  3820 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  07-01-94
Description:  Prgm that writes to PS/2 MOD 95 panel

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/qvdm102.zip
Filesize:  56390 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  03-04-94
Description:  Query VDM settings

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/qw4fix.zip
Filesize:  52854 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  11-11-94
Description:  Fix Quicken 4.0 Windows to work in OS/2

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/recreate.zip
Filesize:  2048 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-20-94
Description:  REXX recreates standard DT objects

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/relishwm.zip
Filesize:  509334 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  09-18-90
Description:  PS/2 PM Relish v2.0 Working Model ...Relish v2.0 is an OS/2 PM commercial
application that is an upgraded NOW - a PIM. It is similar to Packrat/2 and Active Life
and uses the calendar as it's primary metaphor. The Working Model will not print and is
restricted in other ways but is much there. No .DOCs. Cost of the real app is $149.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/removos2.txt
Filesize:  6818 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  12-06-95
Description:  Removing OS/2 From Your System

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/rexref.zip
Filesize:  98918 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-25-91
Description:  REXX Reference on-line IPF REXX docs. ...Very well-done .IPF on REXX
syntax by Brian Buck. As with PS@ Assistant this on-line REXX documentation must be
VIEWed in OS/2 PM. dtd 9/90. Author is reachable on CIS.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/rexx.exe
Filesize:  115759 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  07-12-91
Description:  On-line reference manual for REXX/2. ...This file contains the file
REXX.INF (Tips for programming in REXX). This file is intended to be used with OS/2 (Ver.
1.2 or later). Use the VIEW.EXE program with this file.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/rexxinf.zip
Filesize:  135169 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  07-19-91
Description:  REXX/2 On-line Manual - IBM beta ...IBM OS/2 REXX/2 on-line manual in
.INF form. This beta version obtained form IBMOS2 conference on CIS.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/rexxprt2.zip
Filesize:  1437 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  11-11-90
Description:  REXX .CMD file for ASCII file printing ...This is a REXX .CMD file that
will take an ASCII text file and print it using a small HP font 75 lines to a page with a
header date and page numbering on each page. Makes a good example of something to use
REXX for.

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/rexxstrt.zip
Filesize:  1071 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  12-07-90
Description:  REXX .CMD file with startup options ...This is just a simple REXX .CMD
file that shows REXX put to use as sort of a super-batch language to automate backup

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/rprinter.exe
Filesize:  55808 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  04-06-93
Description:  updated rprinter for os/2

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/run160.zip
Filesize:  20480 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  02-02-94
Description:  run os/2 session from dos session

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/rxcomm.zip
Filesize:  23152 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  01-16-91
Description:  REXX/SAA DLL adds 12 Async ops ...A PD REXX/SAA DLL that adds 12 Asynch
comm functions to the REXX language. Not great, but full source is included. With this it
should be possible to prototype a full comm program or BBS just using REXX! Good

URL-address:  ftp://ftp.infania.net/Pccbbs/os2_util/sauce3.zip
Filesize:  41984 byte Filename:  / Filedate:  07-19-94
Description:  Ver. 3 - Sel. Delete, Move & Copy files ...Version 3 - Enables selective
deleting, moving and now copying of files. Another added feature is disk info viewing.
View total HD space along with used and free space. Both Sector and Cluster info and disk
label viewing are also included. Created with VX-Rexx ver. 2.0 patch level B. VROBJ.DLL
reqired but not include

  for PART -3- please CLICK here

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