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model 590

Q: on user default path is being set using cde


 ENV:   4.1.4 / 590

 CUSTOMER REP:  Dan Beighley

 PROBLEM:       Where is the PATH in CDE coming from?

 ACTION TAKEN:  Customer does not have his DTSOURCEPROFILE=TRUE line
uncommented in $HOME/.dtprofile. He wants to know where the PATH that
is set automatically comes from. It is not in /etc/profile, not
/etc/environment. It is in /usr/dt/config/dtspcdenv. I recommended
he copy this file to /etc/dt/config and make any changes if this is
his plan. I suggested he change the sys.dtprofile in /usr/dt/config
if he wants new users to have their profile sourced.
Ok to close item.


 TEST CASE:     n/a


Closing with Customer Approval



 CUSTOMER REP: Dan Beighley

 ACTION TAKEN: the /usr/dt/config/dtspcdenv is not setting the new
users $PATH.  Wants to know were the $PATH setting is comming 
from for a new user.
Looked in /usr/dt/bin/Xsession but could not find the $PATH he is
speaking of, /bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/bin:$HOME

Told Dan I would have to look into this and giv him a call back.

 ACTION PLAN: Researching...




 CUSTOMER REP:  Dan Beighley

 ACTION TAKEN:  Customer called back in to get an update. He would like
to know where the default path is set. We looked in every file in
every directory under /usr/dt. Found nothing specifically stating
the PATH declaration. I looked in the boot files and /sbin/rc.boot
as well as the files in /etc. Found nothing that matches the path of
Dan's users. He does not have any user config files and he has not
configured .dtprofile to source any files, yet a PATH is set as is 
stated above.
We eventually discovered that /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin is setting some
PATH variables though we could not see this directly because it is a 
binary file. It looks like /usr/dt/bin/Xsession takes this hardcoded
path and appends to it and with this information this matches Dan's
users. It makes a lot of sense that dtlogin would be setting a PATH
because without it it would not be able to access any shells, system
commands, dt files or any files that usually run at login.
Furthermore, we found in /usr/dt/config/Xconfig that a resource can
be set:
        Dtlogin*userPath:       \
This shows us that you can define a path for all users in the Xconfig
file, after moving it to /etc/dt/config. It is a resource for dtlogin
which sheds even more light on the idea that dtlogin sets up an initial
path. This looks to be the answer to our question. I did some testing
with modifying Xconfig and found that it requires the dtlogin
process to either be reset or restarted to see the changes. I made
a change and the path I defined was set correctly. It appears that the
path that you set in Xconfig is the absolute path, nothing is appended
to it besides /usr/dt/bin. I set only a /usr/local directory and
after logging in I could not even do simple system commands such
as "ls". I had to type the full path, "/usr/bin/ls". This is the answer 
to our question of where the default PATH gets set as well as how to 
make a global PATH change for all users.
Dan is satisfied with our findings. Ok to close item.



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Support Line: Closing- Opened by mistake ITEM: DU5583L
Dated: October 1997 Category: N/A
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