SMARTDrive Version History |
3.00 3.00a 3.10 3.11 | 4.01 5.00 5.00a 6.00 6.20 6.21 6.22
kbtool kbref
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft MS-DOS operating system versions 4.x, 5.0, 5.x, 6.0, 6.2, 6.21, 6.22
Microsoft Windows versions 3.0, 3.0a, 3.1, 3.11
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11
This article lists the version history for Microsoft SMARTDrive.
Version Specifications
2.1 Ships with Microsoft MS-DOS version 4.01.
- Provides read cache for BIOS-supported hard disks only.
- Can use extended or expanded memory for cache.
3.0 Ships with Microsoft Windows versions 3.0 and 3.0a.
- Same as SMARTDrive 2.1, plus:
- Provides support for double-buffering.
3.13 Ships with Microsoft MS-DOS versions 5.0 and 5.0a.
- Same as SMARTDrive 3.0, plus:
- Provides added detection for logical partitioning.
- Includes code tuning.
4.0 Ships with Microsoft Windows versions 3.1 and 3.11.
- Same as SMARTDrive 3.13, plus:
- Cache loads in AUTOEXEC.BAT as SMARTDRV.EXE and
automatically attempts to load high.
- Double-buffering support loads in CONFIG.SYS as:
Device=<drive>\<path>\SMARTDRV.EXE /Double_Buffer
- Read and write cache for all drives supported by the
device driver interface, including floppy drives.
4.1 Ships with Microsoft MS-DOS version 6.0.
- Same as SMARTDrive 4.0, plus:
- Includes support for DoubleSpace drives.
4.2 Available through online services only.
- Same as SMARTDrive 4.1, plus:
- Includes support to clear the cache at an MS-DOS prompt.
- Global write cache disabled by default.
5.0 Ships with Microsoft MS-DOS versions 6.20 and 6.21, and with
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11.
- Same as SMARTDrive 4.2, plus:
- Supports read-caching CD-ROM drives.
- Supports the /u switch to not cache CD-ROM drives.
5.01 Ships with Microsoft MS-DOS version 6.22.
- Same as SMARTDrive 5.0, plus:
- Fixes problems with Kodak Photo CDs.
- Includes support for DoubleSpace and DriveSpace drives.
Additional query words:
3.00 3.00a 3.10 3.11 4.01 5.00 5.00a 6.00 6.20 6.21 6.22 smartdrv dblspace drvspace
Keywords :
Version : MS-DOS:4.x,5.0,5.x,6.0,6.2,6.21,6.22; WINDOWS:3.0,3.0a,3.1,3.11
Issue type :
Technology :