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UFO 96.4 released as freeware
Saying good bye to the DOS world

13th of August, 1998 --- UFO 96.4 which has been released today is planned to be the final release of UFO - Universal File Operator.

We would like to thank all UFO users which recognized its quality in a myriad of file managers. They often used this product for years.

With UFO 96.4 (the 12th release) DEMCOM finally says goodbye to the world of DOS programs. Since the 13th of May, 1995, the day of the first release (1.11), much has happened and UFO has always been adapted to new hardware and software, especially operating systems.

In this summer of 1998 we draw the line. But this only means that DEMCOM will continue the work on other paths.

Try our new products, especially TrakRecord, which gives you the most modern way of managing your files in Windows 95/98/NT. The uncompromising quality and everything else you liked in UFO: you'll find it again in our current programs.


Your UFO development team